chapter 14 (lost and found)

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Present time (1500 B.C.)

"Aurelia! Get up!" I wake up to harsh knocking on my door and loud yelling. I groan from exhaustion and annoyance and grab my pillow to cover my face and ears. I had another dreamless sleep which didn't relieve my fatigue of the night before but made it worse.

"Aurelia, open the damn door!" the loud voice shouts once again.

Now groaning out of pure annoyance and anger I get out of bed, throw the pillow on the ground angrily and stomp over to the door to tell whoever is behind this door to fuck off. I don't even bother fully opening my eyes as I feel them falling closed again.

"Leave me the fuck alone this early in the morning!" I shout not even looking at who is standing before my door. However before the person can utter anything I slam the door shut in their face. Not nice, I know. But I'm not really a morning person.

I walk back towards my bed and literally throw myself in the bed to go back to sleep when I don't feel my pillow. Frowning I open my eyes and see it lying on the floor a few meters away from the bed. "For fuck sakes!" I groan angrily while glaring at the pillow.

Not having the energy to get up and get it I just fall backwards on the bed and let my eyes fully close. Once I'm laying comfortable I feel the satisfaction and peace come back to me as I feel sleep take over.

However, that peace and satisfaction didn't last long though because only a few second later I hear the deafening sound of my bedroom door slamming against the wall with a loud bang

Shocked and startled I open my eyes fully and sit up right in less than 2 seconds to see a very angry looking Zeus standing in my door opening.

I'm fucked.

"You have a very big problem young lady!" he shouts angrily. "What do you have to say for yourself?!"

I just stare at him like he is some kind of ghost not uttering a word. It's not that I don't want to answer but my body just doesn't seem to want to obey the demands my brain is giving. My eyelids don't feel heavy anymore but my body is completely shutting down.

It's some kind of strange feeling like I'm half here and half not. Like my body thinks I'm still dreaming although my brain knows that I'm not dreaming.

"You are being very disrespectful!" Hades says coming to stand beside his brother.

There's so much yelling that my brain cannot comprehend the words being spoken. When I don't reply I see Hades glaring and frowning at me. "Are you even listening?!" He shouts again.

Why the shouting though? It's giving me a headache...

I try and nod my head but my head is stuck in the same position not being able to move. I see his anger taking control of him as I see his face harden and color to a light pink. The veins in his neck are popping out and his fists are clenching and unclenching.

He suddenly comes towards me very pissed and I see him raise his hand in the air and towards me but before I can feel the painful slap hit my sensitive cheek I fall into a very familiar darkness.

I'm not feeling any kind of pain, it's like my body is numb to any form of pain. However I do feel peaceful and calm as I feel my body relax. It's very hard to explain but it's like my body is able to recognize these unfamiliar yet familiar surroundings.

I'm safe.

That's what it keeps telling me. But how can I ever feel safe if I don't even remember what that feels like. How can I feel safe if I don't remember who I can feel safe with or where I can feel safe? It's exhausting to be wary all the time but the truth is that I'm just scared to trust.

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