Puerto Rico!

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The plane finally landed. All of them got off and headed to the car. the driver escorted them to the house they rented out right by the beach.

Nelly: This house right here that deal. (laughs)
Adrienne: You so lame when you do that slang.
Nelly: then imma keep doing it *kisses her*
Jasmine: How many bedrooms in here?
Rita: um... 3
Jasmine: what?! I'm not sharing a room with her.
Amira: I don't wanna share a room with you either lil girl.
Adrienne: y'all need to stop.
August: Yawl stop! Either way if yawl don't like it one of yawl gone sleep on the couch.
Jasmine: nun uh.
Adrienne: Exactly.
Rita: yawl room upstairs, so go unpack.
Amira: ok... *she walks up stairs*
Jasmine: *rolls her eyes* oh my god!
Nelly: Gone head jas *shoving her*

They all make they're way to their rooms. Adrienne & Nelly gets a master bedroom and so does Rita & August. Jasmine and Amira room isn't that big.. Not that much space for fist fighting huh?

In the room

Amira: *unpacking* ... I don't like you.
Jasmine: Then why are you talking to me.
Amira: just letting you know.
Jasmine: ok but I already noticed that... I don't like you either.
Amira: *turns around* Like I care.
Jasmine: Yep you do..
Amira: Anyways!... Where's my other suitcase? *looking around*

She goes back downstairs to get it. on her way back up Jasmine was coming out and bumped her, causing her suitcase to fall back down and her clothes fall everywhere.

Jasmine: Opps (smiling)

Adrienne & Nelly's room
Adrienne: I'm worried about this trip bae.
Nelly: Why?
Adrienne: The girls aren't even getting along yet, what if this problem between them two get worst.
Nelly: I'm sure they gone make up before we even leave.
Adrienne: Yea I hope so...
Nelly: I know so.

They all hear Jasmine scream "Ouch!!" And runs into the hallway.

Rita: What happened!?
Jasmine: She just slammed the door on my fingers!
Adrienne: Why the hell would you that.
Amira: I ain't mean to! *smirking at jas*
Nelly: Why was you closing the door?
Jasmine: she only did that cause her suitcase fell.
August: Wow..
Amira: because you made it fall!!!
Jasmine: yea by accident! My fucking finger!
Rita: watch yo mouth Jas!
Jasmine: I'm sorry but this shit hurt!!
August: You cursing again.
Jasmine: ughh.
Adrienne: come on I got something *grabs jasmine*
Nelly: Amira did you that on purpose? Be honest!
Amira: No daddy....
Nelly: Alright now *walks off*

(Later that night)

Nelly: Yawl want some pizza?
Adrienne: sure!
Amira: Yea :)
Jasmine: I don't care.
Rita: I'm not even hungry.
August: shit.. I am!
Nelly: aight I'll order it.
Adrienne: Aw yea & do yawl wanna go to this waterpark tomorrow.
Amira: Ma yawl ain't no kids! (Laughs)
Rita: We can still have fun doe!
Jasmine: I don't wanna be near Amira.
Amira: I didn't even just say anything.
Nelly: Here they go.
Jasmine: Still, she already hurt me today. She gone probably drown me tomorrow.
Rita: Quit talking nonsense..
Amira: She ain't! *smirks*'
Jasmine: See!
Adrienne: Shut up Amira, and ok jas so you gone stay?
Jasmine: Naw imma come.
Adrienne: Ok then.
I'm already tired of Amira. She's lucky i haven't went crazy on her yet for slamming my fingers in the door earlier. I'm trying to keep peace for the sake of my mom, dad, aunt & uncle. Tomorrow if she tries to pull something.. I swear things gone start bussin!

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