Waterpark War

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Well we starting this vacation off at the waterpark :) The girls are still arguing they was up till 2 am arguing in their room but they stopped eventually.

Jasmine: I don't like her mom, she should've just stayed.
Rita: that's your cousin girl yawl need to stop acting like this.
Jasmine: That's her trying to start everything.
August: I bet yawl gone be friends by today.
Jasmine: A lie, yawl see what happened yesterday.
August: Yea you right it's gone take a while with you two.
Rita: Why are you two angry at each other anyway?
Jasmine: because we are.
Rita: ok well just go get ready.
Jasmine: wait so if she starts something with me today I get to fight her right?
August: sure thing.
Rita: August!
August: Naw I'm playing.
Jasmine: Whatever *walks out*

(Nelly & Adrienne room)
Amira: I don't want her coming to the water park!
Adrienne: Who?
Nelly: Jasmine?
Amira: Yea.
Adrienne: Stop acting like that with her.
Nelly: yea that's yo Lil cousin.
Amira: so, she needs to learn how to be mature.
Adrienne: what you mean? She is...
Amira: she isn't, remember what happened yesterday.
Nelly: Yea you slammed her fingers in the door.
Amira: Nope.... she made my suitcase fall on purpose.
Adrienne: she said it was an accident & I believe her.
Amira: Whatever..
Adrienne: go get ready.
Amira: ok now if she try something at the water park I get to drown her.
Nelly: no you ain't, don't say stuff like that.
Amira: yea yea yea.

Everyone got ready and headed out. they got to the water park and found seats.

Once we got here I saw my favorite water slide I wanted to get on. I didn't say anything about it cause ms Jasmine here was thirsty to say something, now it looks like I'm following her.

Jasmine: I'm about to go in there.
Adrienne: I know Amira want to go to, that's her favorite slide.
Amira: yea... but ill wait.
Rita: why cause jas going on it.
Amira: maybe.
Jasmine: she doing to much.
Nelly: yea Amira you are.
August: ok well Jasmine gone head, maybe you'll find some friends too.
Amira: yea go head...
Jasmine: shut up *walks off*

Anyways, 1 hour later
She gets to a water slide & already bumps into a girl name Kyrie.

Jasmine: *bumps her* My bad.
Kyrie: it's ok, this tube is bumping me into everybody anyway.
Jasmine: *laughs* yea I see.
Kyrie: What's your name?
Jasmine: My name jasmine, what's yours?
Kyrie: That's pretty and I'm Kyrie.
Jasmine: that's a cute name.
Kyrie: Thanks. Who are you here with?
Jasmine: my mom,dad,aunt,uncle & my annoying cousin.
Amira: *interrupts* are you talking about me? (Smirking)
Jasmine: Yep.
Kyrie: oh hi.
Amira: hey *cuts them*
Kyrie: What is you doing?
Amira: standing in line.
Jasmine: don't act dumb you just cut us...
Amira: is that a problem?
Jasmine: yea it is.
Amira: Solve it then *gets in her face*
Jasmine: get out my face!

She pushed Amira & she fell in the pool. once she got out she was mad obviously, she walked up Jasmine & started chocking her. Jasmine starts pulling her hair and punching. The kids at the water park started crowding around them and Kyrie tried to break it up. Amira got punched in the throat so she grabbed Jasmine face and started punching her anywhere. She finally let go of Her & Jasmine muffed her again. The fight got broken up by a life guard.

Rita: *Runs over* Who fighting.
Adrienne: Yawl was fighting each other!!?
Jasmine: yep all cause of her.
Amira: No because of her.
Rita: just grab yawl stuff.
Amira: we leaving!?
Adrienne: yep so come on.
Jasmine: I was ready to go anyway *walks off*
Kyrie: Well bye Jasmine *waves*
Jasmine: Bye Kyrie.

Well now we see they really fought. Who really started it though? This chapter was a bit short but hoped you enjoy it, stay tuned for the next chapter. 😴😊💪✨✌️

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