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They make it back to the house. Adrienne and Rita already told Nelly & August what happened. All the girls decided to talk it out In the room, when I say the girls I technically mean Adrienne and Rita.

Rita: Wow yawl must really hate it each other!
Adrienne: Right. Street Fighting your own blood cousin at the water park.
Rita: Yawl is something els.
Jasmine: its because of her, she wanted to start something!
Amira: How was I trying to start something.
Jasmine: Don't act stupid now.
Rita: Well why yawl start fighting anyway?
Jasmine: she cut me in the line and started getting in my face trying to argue talking about do something...
Amira: Lies.
Adrienne: well who threw the first lick?
Amira: She did! She pushed in the pool!
Adrienne: I don't see why yawl can't just have fun in Puerto Rico together.
Rita: we know that ain't gone happen!
Jasmine: right, no time soon!
Amira: Not ever!
Adrienne: Well yawl better try.

(Jasmine) I decided to go sit on the balcony and I spotted my new friend Kyrie walking down the street! Of course my ghetto side came out trying to get her attention.

Me: Kyrie!! (Waves hands)
Kyrie: (looks up) Hey!!
Me: you wanna come up here?
Kyrie: I don't care.
Me: ok come around to the front.

I ran downstairs to let her in!
August: Whose this?
Me: my friend Kyrie.
Adrienne: How you know her?
Me: I met her at the water park.
Rita: oh well hey Kyrie.
Kyrie: Hi
Nelly: yawl about to go somewhere or what?
Me: Yea to the balcony.

Me: so where you was going?
Kyrie: I don't even Know I was just walking around.
Me: you from here?
Kyrie: No I moved here last week. I'm from Houston.
Me: Aw nice!
Kyrie: You live here?
Me: Naw I'm from Miami. We just came out here for a vacation.
Kyrie: which isn't going well I see!
Me: Yea if only my cousin wasn't here it would've been better!
Kyrie: why do you two hate each other, yawl blood cousins.
Me: Because she thinks she's the Queen and think since she's older she can just pick on me.
Kyrie: Wow.... That's been the reason all this time?
Me: kind of it really started when we were around like 6 years old.
Kyrie: What happened then?
Me: I don't like talking about it.

This chapter is short cause I really didn't know what els to write and it's almost been a Month since I updated so Enjoy this for now 🙌😘💪😜

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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