❝𝐣𝐨𝐤𝐞'𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮❞ - 1

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but baby, the joke's on you.


"Great show Y/N!"

"Y/N please sign this!!"

"We love you!"

God fame feels so fucking good.

"Come here sweetheart." you smirked, taking a puff of the cigarettes in between your fingers while using your other hand to sign a copy of your latest record that belonged to a fan. It was always totally crazy after any of your shows and it felt so unbelievably good to be the reason that people lined up in front of venues for hours, that they cried for you, begged for even a speck of attention. You were on top of the world right now and nothing could take you down anymore. After months of fighting for the top place in the charts, fighting for your song to get the most streams, you were granted the attention that you deserved and it fed right into your ego to know that you overtook that little sibling duo.

There had always been unspoken beef between you two, even if realistically the two siblings were pretty nice people- at least the dude, that guy was actually pretty cute. Veener was fun to party with at award shows but otherwise he was more dependent on his sister, Velvet. That girl had something deeply against you and you knew it any time you two crossed paths anywhere. It was like anytime her eyes met yours, they'd pierce right into you and the wound would bleed for hours. You respect your fellow artists competing for the top spot- all of them deserved it, even the duo, but you couldn't help the dislike you felt for Velvet while at the same time she was beyond intimidating.

You weren't looking forward to see her at the Bop in the Top awards in a week.

The award show would have all of the top ten artists performing their most popular song and until the end of the night, fans were able to vote for their favorite and that song would win the award every artist wanted so desperately- and you knew it was going to be a tight run against Velvet and Veneer, but you couldn't focus on that now. You had an award show to attend and a body to fill with alcohol.

Letting your burnt out cigarette fall to the ground, you stepped on it with your heel to finally put it out before entering the club, leaving a lot of fans in front of it disappointed that you weren't going to sign more things.

Here's where you felt truely alive. In between the bright neon lights, surrounded by the loud music, a bunch of rich people who were ready to spend all of their money on getting absolutely wasted, your tight little black mini skirt, the top just barely looking like it was part of a bikini, black boots covering at least the exposed skin on your legs. This was your after-party and you weren't gonna go out of it without a partner for the night and enough alcohol in your sistem to kill a person.

Getting out your credit card and a few hundret bucks, you slipped it across the bar, your trusted little bartender already knowing the deal. "Keep my drink filled, I don't want to ask for a refill when I come back to you. Give me a Death in the Afternoon." you smirked, head resting on your hand which was supported by your elbow that kept you steady on the counter while watching your trusted man, Chris, mix your sickeningly sweet drink together. You know a drink is perfect when it doesn't taste like alcohol- that's how you know it's strong but good.

"Hey Y/N! Haven't seen you in a while, dear. Great show you put on there." you turned around, looking for the familiar voice and there was Veneer, a genuine smile on his face, however the alcohol in his hand seemed to loosen him up. Even he usually held at least a little grudge against you, but the Mimosa in his hand seemed to have given him some personality that wasn't just a copy of his sister. A little chuckle escaped you as you thanked him before picking up your drink from the counter. "Thank you sweetie, I appreciate it. Where's your other half?" you wrapped an arm around his shoulder, taking a sip of your drink as you let him guide you to his sister.

There she stood between the people, dancing to Supermodel by Måneskin, her precisely styled green hair swaying around her waist. She rarely kept it open but today she decided to do you the honor. As much as you disliked her, that purple mini dress with it's gold trim and how it was so low cut that it perfectly showed her strong collar bones truely made her look like a supermodel. Not to ignore how any time she moved her hips a little too much, it would flash her underwear just a little, or how the top of her overknee boots slightly pushed into her thighs. It nearly made you want to fuck her right on that dancefloor, because as much as you two hated each other- that woman deserves everything. There had always been a lot of tension between you two and it wasn't like you haven't had sex out if pure hatred before so it wasn't unexpected for her to dress like this, knowing you were around. It was exactly what made you agree to meet her in the back last time you got drunk together.

Chugging your drink, you gave it to Veneer with the order to get you a new one (which was only responded by an offended huff) and made your way to your target. It wasn't your first drink of the night and so you definitely already had a bit of a foggy brain that kept you from thinking rationally. Soon, Veneer had returned with refilled drinks, talking about some Kid Ritz and how he would be somewhere in the VIP section with him- you didn't care much and only nodded as you sat down on one of the chairs at the nearest empty table. It gave you a perfect view of the dancefloor and the diamond that was taking the spotlight

As the hours progressed further into the night and the drinks kept being refilled, you felt more and more desperate. Velvet, who was usually so eager to come talk to you has ignored you all night. Of course you made time pass somehow by talking to your fair share of people and having a little dance with Veneer and his friend- who was totally in love with the guy- and making out with the DJ. It all managed to distract you pretty well and you didn't even really expect her to talk to you anymore, until you met a familiar face at the bar.

"Refill our drinks for me, pretty please?" the pop star smirked before getting a bit closer to you. The mixture of tequila and her sweet perfume that filled the area between you two could've made you pass out with the alcohol already overwhelming your nervous system. "First place, huh? We kept that damn first spot for weeks and then you come around with your stupid little single and your stupid little music video and boom- we're down to second spot. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" Velvet laughed, running her fingers through your hair and letting her hand slide down your back, grabbing your waist. You almost couldn't believe the attitude she put on but feeling her nails dig into your bare waist in the most passive aggressive way was uncalled for. It felt like there were only the two of you in the club and Velvet held quite an intimidating energy. The feeling of her hair brushing against your almost uncovered upper body as she rested her chin on your shoulder, that stupid smirk never leaving her face while her fingers run across your back, then tug on the strings that held up your little bikini top.

"You fucking attention seeking whore."

"You're one to speak. I'll win that god damn award twice if I need too. Once for you and once for your brother, but at least he has manners. " you hiss, shaking the girl off of you as the grip on your drink tightens. If she was going to show up with an attitude then you will fight back.

As much as you wanted to punch her right now, you could barely resist her and she knew it.

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