❝𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝?❞ - 5

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you called the other day, i stayed away.


The situation between you two was such an awkward twisted relationship and yet both you and Velvet still regularly found yourselves in this position, her head resting on your chest while you played with her hair. Sadly it eventually got too cold and the both of you did have to get dressed again, but no one was ready to leave the other one alone just yet.

Even if this didn't necessarily seem like you two couldn't stand each other, both of you did truely experience a feeling of hate towards each other but it was undeniable that sometimes, just occasionally, you really needed the company. Especially in a situation like now where both of you were stressed about the award. It may not be as important as the Lifer award because it doesn't celebrate a whole lifetime of achievements, this event would still be able to make it clear who was really the top artist.

Sometimes it made you wonder if others had this kind of competition between each other. Now that (after decades of dislike) everyone got along, like the trolls, bergens and mount rageons you'd expect the people within these groups to get along too. At least for bergens and trolls that seemed to be the case- mutual respect, however here in Mount Rageous it was a wonder to find someone who didn't think they were somehow better in whatever way.

"Veneer doesn't need to know about this, alright? He doesn't need to be involved in my issues." Velvet broke the silence, burying her face in your shirt as a huff escaped her.

Her words made you raise an eyebrow, slightly shaking your head. "Your issues? Wow, what a kind way to talk about me." you scoffed, even if meant sarcastically.

"Yes, my issues. You distracted me from my work, hell I should've been promoting our upcoming single tonight but then this happend."

"Velvet, how is it my problem that you are being unprofessional?"

So, the peaceful atmosphere was broken by your usual bantering, however your mind was still secretely stuck on words from earlier. How she threatened to spread rumours if you didn't delete your current work. As much as your recent state of mind due to whatever hook up this was fogged up your mind, the thoughts now came crawling back into your brain, making sure they were holding onto anything and everything so they most definitely wouldn't be leaving your mind.

Sure, the Velvet from twenty minutes ago who was tongue deep inside you would've never done that, but the current complaining-about-you Velvet is exactly the person to do that. God it's like this woman has multiple personalities.

Slowly, you pushed yourself up on the couch, sitting up straight which led to Velvet being disturbed by the movement. Clearly pissed by this, the leaned against the back, her fingers combing through her hair as she looked for an answer. "Listen kid, this is just a stress relief for both of us, we both know that. Face it, once Veneer and I won that award we will go our seperate ways again and maybe exchange a hello at an event in a few months but that's going to be it. I'm better than that."

It wasn't the fact that she said it was just stress relief or how you'd likely not talk again for a while after this that set off quite some anger inside you- because it was all true. But what caused your disbelieve was the fact that she looked down on you this much, saying she was somehow better than being with you. "You know what, I am better than this! Leave the studio, now." you hissed at her, standing up with your arms crossed in front of your chest. The girl on the couch only looke you up and down, raising a eyebrow at you before rolling her eyes and leaving your little studio.

It took you a while to calm down but when you did, a quick look at the time told you it was just around 10pm. Honestly it would be a rush, but you could finish your single just in time and make it a surprise release. This would be stressful but you were determined to show Velvet that you weren't scared of her big, empty words, even if deep down she was absolutely terrifying you but god knows you couldn't admit that.

So, the last few hours of the day had passed until you managed to finish your single up in a rush. What would normally take you weeks was done in a day, including the over. When the clock striked midnight, both of you hit the post button. Except Velvet still seemed to be in her studio when you left shortly after, seen as the light was shining through underneath her door.

Even if you were curious to see how your surprise release did, you got home at almost 1am and you were absolutely ready to hit your bed immediately. Checking your phone one last time, you saw a notification from Instagram that Velvet was live for the single release but you really didn't feel like checking that out, and so you rolled over and soon fell into a deep sleep.

"The new single is so good!!! I think you will top Y/N, she just released hers too!!" Velvet read one of the comments in her live chat out loud, the look of realisation clearly visible to everyone who was watching that live. You didn't listen to her.

"You know guys, thank you for all the support but I kindly ask you not to stream Y/N's song... You know, she's kind of been on me a lot lately and it starting becoming creepy. Just at her after party last time she got so drunk and got all over me! Like, back off. Never heard of personal space? It makes me wildly uncomfortable. " She huffed, running a hand through her hair as she faked a look of distress, hoping it worked.

And god it worked. Thinking you woke up to good news, you could only rub your eyes again and again as you woke up staring at your phone, tons of messages flooding your notifications. 

"How could you be so rude to Velvet???"

Oh good god, you're fucked.

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sooo sorry it took ages to update! i had my exam week but i just about finished it. longer chapter coming tomorrow :)

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