𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑✭𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: chapter nine

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Celeste found herself with the Catton siblings, Oliver, and Farleigh

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Celeste found herself with the Catton siblings, Oliver, and Farleigh. They were clad in suits and expensive outfits. Laughing as they played tennis together. She and Venetia against the three boys.

Venetia was dressed in all pink and purple while she was in light pink and white. Both girls having their hair in matching braids with pink heart shaped shades. They were clearly on the losing end.

"You've gotta hit the ball Vee!" Felix shouted.

"Fuck off." Venetia switching between her bottle of alcohol and cigarette as she dodged the incoming balls.

Celeste had taken off her heels, the boys hitting the balls at heights they knew she could never reach.

"Better luck next time." Felix teased as they won the round, holding a bottle to Oliver's lips as the latter chugged it down. His sister flipping him off while Celeste huffed.

The next round not looking any different to the first until the girl finally scored a point. Doing a little jump and cheer as she stuck her tongue out to the opposing trio.

The three chuckled, watching how adorable she got at finally scoring. They had given it to her of course, but it was all worth it to see her so excited.

Farleigh joined her team some minutes after. Allowing Venetia the chance to sit down like she had wanted to do from the very beginning. Her cigarette in between her lips as she cheered on Celeste from the side. "Go Lia you got this!"

Farleigh grinned, cracking his fingers as the next round begun. He and Celeste managing to stay in the lead. Farleigh winning them points while Felix gifted them to Celeste.

"Our point! We win." Farleigh grinned, wrapping his arm around the girl's shoulders as she grinned happily. "Take that Lee."

Felix cheered, giving her a high five and a spin. Placing a kiss to her cheek as an advanced apology to him not letting her win the next match.

Three rounds later with sore feet and two empty bottles. The five found themselves watching movies together.

"She definitely needs to die." Farleigh nodded while stuffing popcorn past his lips.

They were all huddled up. Farleigh on the single sofa. Venetia near his feet. While Oliver, Celeste and Felix took the large one.

"She's literally the best character there." Venetia protested.

"Yeah. Which is exactly why she needs to die." He shrugged.

Celeste laughed along with Felix. The boy leaned back with his arms spread across the backrest. While she sat with her legs draped over his legs, resting into his side as they all watched a movie.

"I get you Farleigh. I mean.. what fun would it be to kill off the worst character," Oliver agreed.

"See?" Farleigh grinned proudly, "At least he gets it."

"Okay but how about killing the killer?" Venetia added in, munching on the popcorn from the bag in Farleigh's hand.

"No. Because then who would kill her?" He replied sassily. Celeste giggling at how passionate he was about the main character's sister being killed.

Dipping her hand into the bag on Felix's lap, she pulled out a handful of popcorn. Bringing it up to her lips before grabbing another. Looking up to find Felix looking at her like he took offense.

She smiled, craning her neck up to kiss his cheek knowing that she had already finished her own. Grabbing a singular popcorn to bring up to his lips.

The boy taking it into his mouth with the lick of her fingers. His chest vibrating in laughter when her face scrunched up. "Ewww."

"You two are so cute." Venetia sighed, "It's honestly sickening, you should get a room." she joked. Taking a sip from the soda can next to her.

They had gotten through their second movie. Well, barely. Venetia kept complaining about how cliché of a romance it was. "You know what we need? Alcohol." Venetia grinned, hopping over Farleigh's frame and out the door before anyone could speak.

"How drunk do you think she plans to get?" Oliver questioned, getting a really look from both Felix and Farleigh in return.

"Very." they voiced together.

The Catton girl brought back three bottles with a smile. Her self party ending as fast as it started as night dawned upon them. The entire Catton family piling into the room for a family movie night.

They had chosen a horror. Loud screams filling the room as a series of horrifying occurrences went down. Everybody going silent at the suspense only to jump in their seats at unexpected jump scares.

Celeste was sat on Felix's lap at the lack of space. Her face buried in his chest to hide from whatever played on the tv. Her little scared squeaks making him laugh as he wrapped his arms around her for protection as he put it.

Multiple breaths' hitched when the girl from the movie stood up, her hair covering her face as she took agonizingly slow steps towards the fallen guy who tried to scurry away.

Her frame stilling before she lunged at him, the scene forcing a series of screams out of the group. Everyone hiding their faces except for the adults.

Elspeth closing her eyes with a sigh. Pamella looking warily at the screen as she paused the tapping of her cigarette into an empty can. And James just frozen in place.

"Oh my God." Venetia let out in disgust. Farleigh being freaked out as he scratched his arm. Turning to see a smiling and laughing Oliver.

"Why is she wet?" Elspeth questioned.

"Because she's been down the well mum."

Celeste couldn't help but giggle at that. Her hands on her face to block out any jump scares to come. Peeking through her fingers to make sure it was safe.

Felix's hands were on her waist later that night as she fell asleep on top of him. The boy holding her tight to prevent any nightmares she may have had. Well, to prevent any nightmares he may have had.

"Princess, you awake?" He gulped. Her lack of response letting him know that she wasn't. "Fuck, gonna have to force my dreams to be about you instead."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑✭𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋                 saltburn Where stories live. Discover now