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REMUS LUPIN HAD FALLEN ASLEEP ON the chair next to Cassie's bed after he told the others to go get some rest in one of the dormrooms

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REMUS LUPIN HAD FALLEN ASLEEP ON the chair next to Cassie's bed after he told the others to go get some rest in one of the dormrooms. Rowan stayed the night in the boys' dormroom, and Aurora stayed in the girls'. Remus woke up, almost forgetting what had happened the day before. When he woke up, he looked at Cassie, frowning when he saw that she wasn't awake. He had hoped she would be awake, but she wasn't, and he couldn't stop the tears from rolling down his face.

"I am so sorry," He said, even thought Cassie couldn't hear him. "I'm so sorry I left, I wanted to stay, I did. But I wrote a note explaining everything, Francesca should've told you guys about it. I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner, I should've been there for you when you needed me, and I wasn't. I love you so much, Cassiopeia Dorcas Lu--Smith."

Madam Pomfrey approached him, "Why don't you go have some breakfast and freshen yourself up," She told him, "You need to eat. I'll take care of her while you're gone."

Remus sighed and nodded, getting up and leaving the hospital wing. Poppy felt bad for the man, she had cared for him since he was eleven, and she had been doing the same for Rowan every month and Cassie every other day. Cassie was a lot like her mother, she was incredibly clumsy and always ended up injured.

She looked at Cassie, and couldn't help but frown. Cassie was a sweet girl, she loved keeping other people company ( Poppy had a feeling that's why she was always going to the hospital wing, she even went there when she had a paper cut ), she was a bright student, too. She couldn't imagine the pain her family were in.

McGonagall entered the hospital wing. "How is she doing?" She asked Poppy, approaching the woman who was at the side of Cassie's bed. "I suspect Pamona will be here soon, she would've come last night but she had been ill."

Poppy sighed, "She should be awake by now," She told Minnie. "I don't know why she isn't."

Minnie frowned, "I'm sure she'll be awake soon," She told Poppy, "She's a strong girl, she'll fight through it."

As soon as she said that, Pamona entered with two people following behind her. Forrest ran up to Cassie's bed, looking at her almost-lifeless body. "Is she going to be okay?" He asked, looking up at Poppy.

Poppy nodded her head as Francesca grabbed Cassie's hand, tears staining her cheeks. "Oh, my dear, Cassie." She was saying, "Please be okay."

"Mum?" Rowan said from the door, Callie and Aurora were behind him. "I thought you were busy with work."

Fran looked behind her to Rowan, nodding her head. "I am," She said, "But my children are more important. Wha -- What happened?"

As the other three entered the hospital wing, McGonagall told them all to take a seat, so they did. "Yesterday, Remus and I were walking around because he needed a chat. While we were doing so, we heard... we heard your other daughter, Azalea, say some harsh words to Cassie. Well, we followed the sound of their voices, and we saw them both walking in opposite directions. Well, we followed after Cassie, keeping our distance -- we shouldn't of, we should've stayed as close as we could. When we got up to the Astronomy Tower, she took a step and... and let herself fall. Luckily, Remus saved her by casting the arresto momentum spell, if he hadn't done that, well... you can guess what would've happened."

Fran sobbed. "Az -- Azalea caused this?" She asked, her heart dropping.

McGonagall sighed, "Well, we don't know the reason Cassie tried to -- but we suspect it is one of the reasons."

"I fucking knew it!" Callie exclaimed, "She was standing there yesterday doing fuckall, she didn't even cry. I swear I am going to make her life a living hell from now on."

Fran let out a sob. "I -- I had no idea Azalea was doing -- saying stuff."


SOON LATER, FRAN AND FORREST HAD left, with Forrest asking, "When can I go to Hogwarts, mum?" as he did not understand what had actually happened to Cassie. Now, Callie was sat in the chair, Aurora and Rowan had gone to get some food from the kitchens, and Harry, Hermione and Ron had just entered the hospital wing.

"I think it's time you wake up," Callie said quietly, grabbing Cassie's hand. "It's so boring without you, and it's Christmas tomorrow. You need to wake up, Cass, please."

Callie felt Cassie's hand squeeze her own. "I didn't imagine that, did I?" She asked Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"Imagine what?" Ron questioned in confusion.

"Cassie... she --" Cassie squeezed Callie's hand again, this time it was tighter and the other three noticed it, "POPPY! POPPY! COME QUICK! CASSIE'S AWAKE! SHE'S AWAKE! You worried me so much, oh my-- I am so fucking happy you're awake, are you okay? Are you hungry? Do you need anything?"

Cassie squinted, the bright lights hurting her eyes. She lifted her hands to cover her eyes. "Why am I even he--?" She cut herself off as the memories flooded back to her. "I'm so sorry."

"Why are you apologising?" Callie asked, frowning.

"Be -- Because I tried to --"

"Cass," Harry interrupted, "You're alive, and that's all that matters to us. You don't need to apologise to us for what you done."

Ron pursed his lips, "If anything, we're the ones that are sorry." He told her, "We didn't notice something was going on until it was too late."

Hermione grabbed Cassie's hand and gave it a small squeeze. "I'm going to go get you something to eat, is chocolate cake okay?"

Cassie nodded her head. "It's my favourite." She told Hermione, who rushed out to get her something to eat.

"I'm going to make sure Azalea pays for --"

"Don't," Cassie interrupted, shaking her head.

Poppy approached them, "You can sleep in the dormroom tonight," She said, "But for now, you need to rest."

Ron looked at Poppy, "But she's been resting for hours!"

A/N: Honestly, Ron isn't wrong. Thank god these chapters are over, I'm excited to write about all the gifts she got for Christmas. Cassie is going to get emotional in the next chapter once she realises they all actually really do care about and love her. I'm also going to say it again; If anybody needs to rant or to chat, you can always message me!
QOTD: what is your favourite spell?
AOTD: expecto patronum!

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