Our Darkest Hour ( Prologue )

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As German troops march through Paris, weapons on the Western Front finally fall silent

The horrors of the great war wich claim over 30 millon lives in all of europe had ended

The German Empire has triunfed utterly

That morning the world woke up into a new age. . .

the age. . .

of the Kaiserreich

No one, in such a glorious victory that the First Weltkrieg meant for Germany, would know that this event would trigger a future that would haunt humanity in its worst years.

A race that by its own hand would lead itself to such destruction and death that it is difficult to understand.

Those times were. . .

Our Darkest Hour

( 1936 - 1948 ) Approximate deaths : 150 Millons 

Militarys : 94M ∼

Civilians : Around 50 Millon  ∼

Men mobilized for any type of warfare: around 180 - 200 millons

Womens mobilized por any type of warfare : around 400k

Only this countries do not have suffer any kind of conflict in this period : 

- Buthan

It was at this time that the greatest misfortune in the entire history of the United States unfolded among its people, caused by their own hand.

The Second American Civil War

the largest armed conflict of its century only behind both Weltkriegs, the third deadliest civil war in history only behind the Taiping rebellion and the An shi rebellion

And if you want to see it that way, the deadliest civil war in history in a "civilized" country

I will talk to you about the development of that catastrophe that occurred on American soil.

That nation under god, "indivisible"

with liberty and justice for all his citizens

what was supposed to be. . .

- End of the prologue -

OK, the story is told from a point of view as if the narrator has lived his entire life in the Kaiserreich universe, I don't want to delve into the Kaiserreich universe since this writing will only explain the 2ACW that I formed in my mind, what happens in the universe of post-1936 kaiserreich that also formed in my mind

this is only de prologue, the first ep will tell about the United States betwen 1919 and 1936 to explain the reason why the United States degenerated into a country on the verge of collapse that "only" needed a global economic collapse to descend into the largest civil war you can imagine.

As a gift here I leave you the official waifus of the 2ACW (Second American Civil War)

As a gift here I leave you the official waifus of the 2ACW (Second American Civil War)

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Extra : 

( Federalist waifu )

( Federalist waifu )

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The Second American Civil War |1937| KaiserreichWhere stories live. Discover now