A normal day in 1928 America

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# text # : situation

* text * : what is happening

person- : who is talking

in mind : what is thinking

A clear blue sky, with enticing clouds moving slowly towards the east. . .That was all Barbara had at that moment, a beautiful sky that calmed her heart and distracted her from her tortuous present.

In mind- Ok, it's time to get up

* Barbara stands up delicately, careful not to destabilize her bed supported by unstable bricks, when she steps on the floor and puts on her sandals, cockroaches that were roaming the cement floor run to her hiding places *

# A groaning room with walls so creaking uncontrollably from the strong wind outside #?-BARBARAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! * in a normal tone *

Barbara- Im going in a moment Mom!!!!!

*Barbara hurries to put on her old coat to get out of it*

# A bright sun shines through the gaps in the roof #

*Barbara's mom approaches her with a basket of clothes in her hand*

Mom- Go and leave this in the closet, it's everyone's clothes, also wake up your brother Petter and bring him here to help

Barbara- Ok mom

*Barbara goes to leave the clothes, but when she gets to everyone's room she sees her older sister talking to someone*

Mary- Goodbye Patrick, I hope you return soon from your raid~

Barbara - Mary!!!

Mary- Aahh!!!, Barbara!!! wha-

Barbara- Dad told you that if you talked to that boy again he would throw you out of the house.

Mary- And who cares what dad says, if he wants to kick me out, he should kick me out.

Barbara- Y-you can't!!!, Dad told you that he would never allow you to go out with that sindicalist scum.

Mary- SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!!!, I'm going to hit you if you keep fucking with me* Their mother opens the door abruptly and enters the room *


*Mary's mother drags her to the kitchen, where she opens a cupboard and takes out a plate of hot pepper, grabbing one of hers and rubbing it in her mouth*

.    .    .    .    .   .

.   .   .  .

. . .

# in the middle of the night a bus parks next to a small bridge #

Driver- This is the last stop, those who live in Sparks clouds will have to walk

?- What?!!!, why can't you come in?!!

Driver- The area is an area invaded by the poor, there is no road and I don't want to risk having a flat tire inside that garbage dump.

?- You damned bastard h-how dare you-

Driver- Come on!!!, get off the bus before I kick you all out.

* about 4 people get off the bus in a hurry, the bus doesn't even wait for the last person to get off before starting *

?- Fucking miserable

??(other person)- Let it go man, poverty corrodes some people's minds

*The people who get off the bus begin to separate into their own paths, crossing the small town of old-fashioned single-floor wooden houses *

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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