The American Caesar

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That day of November 15, 1934

6 divisions of the army that together made up a force of more than 23,000 men carried out a large-scale relinquishment, detention and pacification operation in 18 states of the United States of America, with the arrest of 1223 people associated with illegal groups or be rioters, the rectification of regulations on public roads and the closure/dismissal of sindicates and politicians on suspicion of illegal activities or against the stability of the country

6 divisions of the army that together made up a force of more than 23,000 men carried out a large-scale relinquishment, detention and pacification operation in 18 states of the United States of America, with the arrest of 1223 people associated wi...

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The " War Plan White " was an operation created by the famous general Douglas McArthur, a respected general who until then had demonstrated her skill in battle and would later reveal her rodigial gift for commanding an army, as well as her inherent ability for autocratism. The situation of the army of the united states in that moment was the worse in decades and it was partly because of that that he and his men managed to be in charge of carrying out the operation, fortunately for McArthur the operation was a resounding success until the moment it had to be interrupted, however the attention of the blame was diverted to the Republican-Democratic coalition and Hoover who suffered an enormous deterioration of their image before the population that was already hostile or indifferent towards them, after all, the real winner was McArthur and his circle

When after 13 days of starting the operation, was inevitably cut off the operation due to the political crisis that loomed over Hoover and the coalition, which although they managed to defend themselves in the Senate and manage to justify their actions before the public was support they, it was inevitable that extremism and disdain of the radical parties and his supporters to the traditional parties grew, as did their dominance over their territories dominated by their party.

Even so, the operation had been an undeniable success, with the troops retreating home through Kentucky until they reached Washington, McArthur returned triumphant to the capital.And although in the long term it did not have significant importance other than to discredit the Republican-Democratic coalition and and delay something worse. In short the greatest weight it had was to accommodate McArthur in the army as an axis of influence and power, arriving a few years later to be the face of the United States Army, in which the people placed the rest of their faith in the old order and it was largely thanks to this that the central authority of the United States did not immediately collapse and was able to enter the civil war as the most powerful starting factionFrom this a current of thoughts began to emerge among the political and civil mentality of the United States, in which they sought to strengthen the army more and more in addition to increasing its influence and power in general, sympathizers of this current came to idolize McArthur as the only possible savior of America in the imminent internal conflict that was looming

They called it. . .

"The American Caesar"

- End of special cap -

Oh good, This types of chapters will normally explain people, events or phenomena of enormous importance for the development of the 2ACW.

and that is the reason because McArthur has its own episode

The Second American Civil War |1937| KaiserreichWhere stories live. Discover now