Chapter • 7

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"August slipped away like a bottle of wine"
                             August by Taylor swift

I push around the food on my plate out of boredom. Everyday feels like an eternity waiting on the audition. It was 4 days ago now and I should be getting informed about it soon. My phone lights up and i receive a notification. I click on it

                                    Walkie Talkie 🔱

Walker: Hey it's Walker from the Percy audition

You: hi wyd walkie talkie


You: well I did 🤷‍♀️

Walker: Ok y/n/n.


Walker: fair is fair

You: I hate you

Walker: Thanks y/n/n, how sweet of you

You: what do you message me about anyway?

Walker: Just bored tbh.

You: wanna do something?

Walker: like what

You: I could demolish you in basketball..

Walker: game on

You: where do you live??

Walker: at address

You: I only live 5 minutes away!

Walker: I'll meet you at mine, bring your bike

You: okay bye walkie talkie 😊

Walker: bye y/n/n 😒

I finish my food and put some sneakers on. I get on my bike and ride out my garage. I follow the footpath up to a large house. It had tall palm trees out the front and modern features. I turn into it and throw my bike down next to a window. I knock on the door and Walker opens the door, his hair looks super blonde in the sun. "Hey Walker!" I say "hey y/n, ready to go?" I nod and he takes out his bike and a basketball. He is dressed in grey sweat pants and an a black t-shirt. Last one there is a rotten egg!" He yells and speeds ahead. How does this kid have so much energy? I speed up as well and try to pass him. I see the outside court ahead and fail to get in front. "YOU GOT A HEAD START!" I say "fair is fair" he says. Now I have to demolish him in basketball. The old beaten up court is empty. I take the ball and start dribbling into the ring for a layup. He quickly cuts in so I back up switch sides to try again. The ball perfectly goes off the backboard and into the hoop. "I'm going easy on you" he says jokingly. I smile and pass him the ball. He try's for a goal but misses by a tiny bit. I get the rebound and dribble it up to my end and easily score. He frowns and takes the ball "fair is fair" I mock him he smiles and gets a 3 pointer. Next person to shoot wins. I take the ball and miss a shot because he slapped my arm. "Sorry!" He says "all good but I get 2 shots" I smile. I miss the first one and make the second. "4-5 and I win!" I shout. "Nice job y/n/n!" He congratulates me. "I'm thirsty, wanna go back to my place? It's just my sister and brother there" he asks. "Sure!" I answer. We get back on our bikes and race together. He speeds past me and wins once again. We go in and I meet his sister, Leena, walkers brother is at soccer practice. "Hi I'm y/n" I say "leena." She smiles. "So, what do you want to drink?" Walker asks. "Do you guys have a blender?" I say "smoothies?" Walker asks. I nod and the three of us walk into the kitchen. I put banana, milk, blueberries, strawberries and vanilla in mine. We blend them up and pour them into tall glasses and put cute little umbrellas in them. "We should take a pic for insta!" I say. "Sure, let's go outside first" Walker says. I follow Walker and leena out to their big backyard. It's has a big pool and hot tub. A deck goes around the house and chairs and tables are scattered along.

 A deck goes around the house and chairs and tables are scattered along

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Smoothies with @leenascobell @walkerscobell


Randomuser6372: Where's mine 🥲

Leenascobell: so yumm

Randomuser7383: Cuteee

Walkerscobell: Y/n put so much mint in mine 😭

I receive a message from the Percy Jackson casting and shout "OH MY GOSH". "What?!" Walker says confused. "I just got a notification from The casting!" I tell leena and Walker. I read aloud the email

Dear y/n y/l/n,

Today at 5:00 there will be a zoom meeting announcing the cast. (Blah blah blah more infooo hehsbjwiwjdbwbwisbehs blah blah blah)

-Percy Jackson casting

"Y/n I'm so excited for you!" Walker says. "Thank you, I better get going soon. It's already 3:42." I say. We chat some more and finish our smoothies. "Thanks for having me Walker" I say and walk towards the door. "Anytime y/n/n" he answers. "Tell me if you get the roll asap!" He continues. "Of course walkie talkie" I say and get on my bike. I wave and ride home.

🎬 Time skip to 4:50 (your home) 🎬

I wait nervously waiting for the zoom to start. The screen flicks to small rectangles with Rick Riordan and some directors. "Good afternoon y/n, it's nice to see you again" Rick says. "Afternoon, nice to see you too" I say. The other girls join as well as some more people who I don't recognise. Rick's starts "Thank you everyone for joining. I appreciate your hard work though there can only be one Annabeth." He pauses. "And that is.. y/n y/l/n!" He claps with the others. I sit there in shock, not sure what to say. "Thank you so much!" Is all I can get out. The rest of the zoom is a blur. I still can't believe I'm going to be Annabeth chase! My dreams have come true.

A/n: This was a okay chapter and there will be another soon. Make sure to vote it up for more chapters and leave recommendations and ideas in the comments.

Word count: 1000

Blue Lily // Walker Scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now