Chapter • 14

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"I'm so obsessed with your ex!"
Obsessed by Olivia Rodrigo

I arrive on set and get pulled into my trailer. Today is my first day actually filming and I'm so excited! The makeup artist brushes foundation on, I hate this part. They always have the worst feeling brushes! They spike into my skin, my face would be red if they weren't applying foundation. My skin could be sensitive because of Maria. Thinking about her gives me chills, I'm bot sure what my mum is doing about it but she don't tell me anything. "Y/nnnn" my makeup artist says "y/n you in there?" She repeats. "Oh sorry, what?" I ask. "You're ready, you need to be on set in 15 minutes" she tells me. I nod and walk over to where we are filming. Today I'm doing two scenes, both are quite short but I'll be able to warm up to the camera.

🎬on set🎬

"Okay, y/n your on" Rick said. I walk onto set, nerves swirling in my stomach. I repeat my line in my head over and over again. I see Walker smiling and it makes me feel better. We start the scene and I say "you drool when you sleep." I say. I look over to Rick "that was perfect y/n!" He applauds me. Phew, I thought he was gonna say it was terrible or something. Since they don't need me until later on I'm free to have lunch, which consists of salad with tiny pieces of chicken. I sigh and eat it, I'm starving.

🎬Later on🎬

Tonight we have another dinner planned so we can look over upcoming scenes. I'm honestly dreading it. It just means more seeing Walker and Leah together, I just want to snuggle down in bed. I look at the time, it's already 5pm and dinner is at 6:30. I groan and take a shower. Once I get out i let my hair air dry and put it in a plait since I'm not allowed to use any tools on it. I end up going with a basic outfit since I really can't be bothered.

A/n: probably my least fav outfit yet so change it if you want! (It's super hard to find cute winter outfits)

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A/n: probably my least fav outfit yet so change it if you want! (It's super hard to find cute winter outfits)

Upon arriving at dinner, I see ayran and Charlie who I was introduced to today. I sit down across from them, starting small talk and looking at the menu. I wonder where Leah and Walker are? They were meant to be here fifteen minutes ago. I thought too soon as the barge in the the door, I'm surprised it didn't break. "Sorry" Leah puffs gaining her breath. Walker waves and sits down next to me, I'm surprised he didn't sit with Leah. "So how's filming been seaweed brain?" I ask sarcastically. "Very good, wise girl" he responds. "Watchu gonna get?" I ask him. He scans the menu and I can see sparkles in his eyes as he says "oh definitely the chicken parmi!" I smile "no way that's what I was gonna get!" I say.

A/n: omg ep 6 came out today and 'wise girl' LIKE WHAT OMG. Anyways short chapter again today. Make sure to vote this up if you like it!

Word count: 546

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