Fight & eat

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I woke up feeling like I was being watched, I was still in the hole in the tree laying on top of him.

I look up towards his face to be meet with his eye staring at mine, I stared at him for a while and I realised he was probably lost in thought.

I decided to try and snap him out of it, with a mischievous grin on my face I look at his shoulder before biting it. I could tell he snapped out of it due to the growl leaving his mouth.

It wasn't long before he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me off his shoulder while staring at me with an annoyed expression but I just licked my front teeth before smiling with my sharp canines.

He suddenly pulled me into a tight bear hug and no matter how much I struggled to get out while growling it was no use. This is what I het for biting I guess.

Time skip

We were sitting in an arena staring at the men in front of us. A short bald man, an old guy and the guy who shoot pickles hand, they were surrounded by men that wore the same thing as the men that toke us to this place.

Me and pickle haven't eaten anything since we got here, we refused to eat what was giving to us.

No ones POV

Captain Strydum, Albert and Mitsunari Tokugawa stood there in the arena staring at the two cave men sitting at the other end of the arena facing them with a cold stare.

"Captain strydum and Mitsunari Tokugawa, thank you both for your concern and cooperation in this project" Albert said to the two men next to him.

"pickles and m/n well being is extremely important and not just for research scientists such as yourself but for all human kind, so when I hear that they hasn't consumed anything but water for more than a month believe me I'm fully aware of the seriousness of the situation" captain replied to the professor not taking his eyes off the two craven men in front of him.

"we've regarded them as an animal" he said as the three off them began to walk out of the arena and heading towards the seats above it.

"when in fact they're proud warriors, fierce fighters who craves and thrives on competition, he won't eat anything that he hasn't fought and killed himself...and m/n just following what pickles doing so of course they would do the same." Albert continued as they sat down in the seats above the arena staring done at the two men sitting on the ground doing nothing.

"extraordinary!" Mitsunari Tokugawa said excitedly as he stared down at them with wonder.

"They're extraordinary all right that's the problem we've tried throwing a Spanish bull in there with him, a brown bear, even a lion...but pickle just sat there...m/n showed so sign of aggression but he stayed out next to pickle...but all those animals took one look at them and ran for the hills." He explained to the two men next to him before speaking again.

"I've never seen a lion with its tail between its legs before" he admitted not taking his eyes off the two men in the arena.

"in a war between worlds theres beats hours without even fighting" captain says two the two men next to him.

"it all comes down to this let's hope it proves a worthy opponent" Albert replied to captain before mitsunari tokugawa chimes in

"well we paid enough for it but I guess you expect that when you're buying an endangered species" he says with a smile.

"I feel bad about it but it's for a worthy cause after all" Albert states still not taking his eyes off the arena in front of him.

"hasn't eaten in five days it's primed and ready to go" mitsunari said to Albert in a excited tone while he stared down at the arena.

Just then a two tigers came into the arena growling at the two cave men sitting on the ground before them.

"the Siberian tigers, the most powerful of the big cats, and these ones are 4.7 meters long and weighs 490 kilos each one of the largest of its kind in other words the most ferocious fighting beast on the planet" Albert explained to the two men sitting next to him watching the scene in front of him.

"it's enormous it's almost as big as the bull" Mitsunari spoke in anticipation as he stared at the two cave men seeing what they would do.

The tigers growl towards pickle and m/n while both of them stand up into their feet.

Pickle stands up tall while m/n is slouching over with a smile showing off there caines towards the tiger that they were eyeing up.

"They're on his feet" Mitsunari said while basic bouncing in his seat with anticipation.

"Tigers looks at pickle and m/n as there prey" captain said as he was cut off by Mitsunari

"yes vice versa" he says not taking his eyes off the scene in front of them.

Pickle was the first to pounce at the tiger he wanted. He fought with it for a while before snapping its back.

"How horrifying" Mitsunari said as he saw what happened

"No what horrifying is what m/n is doing with his tiger" captain says was they turn there heads to look at the scene in horror.

M/n is attacking the tiger with no remorse for the pain is receiving. They are clawing is eyes out while giving them slow, painful, deep cut all over its body as is yowls in pain.

It was like they're playing with it. But the yowls in pain were cut off with the claws on m/n hands curing the head clean off.

"especially for the tiger, now I feel bad" Albert said in disbelief as they all stared except pickle at him as he begins to feast on his kill beside pickle.

"but that's how it is with them, anything that attacks them becomes food in their eyes" Albert stated as he watched them feast on there new fresh kill.


I know it's shorter than I was hoping but I think it came out nice 😌

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