Bad ideas

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Retsu Kaioh and Mitsunari Tokugawa were having a meeting about a certain cavemen that were sitting in the arena. But the meeting only took a couple of minutes and a lot of convincing to be at this point now.

No ones POV

m/n was laying in the middle of the arena staring up at the ceiling. Nobody knew why but they would not move away from that spot.

Pickle was sitting on the floor leaning against the wall of the arena staring at m/n. He was zoned out for some reason, just staring.

But he was snapped out of the trance he was in as he watched m/n sit up and stare at him.

M/n started to crawl over to pickle stoping a few inches away from him as they both stared at each other.

M/n lifted his hand to pickles head and poked his forehead. This earned a soft growl from pickle as he stared down the smaller male.

Pickle could tell that m/n was bored and decided himself was going to annoy him for fun.

M/n started poking pickle repeatedly as pickle sat there, slightly annoyed but he was used to this by now.

But m/n annoying action was stopped by pickle grabbing both of his wrists and growling as warning at him.

M/n held a smug smile on his face like he got what he wanted but he didn't want his gun to end just yet.

So m/n bit pickles arm and latched on not wanting to let go. This surprised pickle as he started to growl and swing his arm, that m/n was attached too, around the place as he tried to get him off.

With the three men in the seats of the arena.

"what?! put a human in there with him?!
are you insane?!" Professor Albert exclaimed as he stared at the two men in front of him

"we've never felt more sane in our life" captain and Tokugawa replied NSYNC

"besides the man freely volunteered for the job" Tokugawa explained as he held a closed eye smile.

"Why would you let a human go up against killers?! I mean look?! M/n is biting pickle right now and you think it's okay to let someone fight them?!" Albert yelled sounding worried for the person that would be fighting them.

(I think you guy know who's gonna be fighting hmm 😌)

"well for one thing, it should make for an intriguing match at the very least" Tokugawa said while sitting down in the seats in front of the professor while captain did the same.

"a fight between Pickle's pure god given instincts, m/n ruthlessness with his prey and Retsu's mastery of 4,000 years of Kung fu tradition this promises to be an epic battle" captain agreed with the shorter male as he watched the to cavemen in front of them.

"epic massacre more like he'll be eaten the moment after he walks-"

"shut up professor will you" the two men yelled at the professor as they turned their attention back towards the two cave men.

Suddenly the two cave men stopped what they were doing and stared at the hallway before them.

With m/n and pickle

M/n let go of pickles arm, a bit of drool attached the too together. Him and pickle both stared at the hallway feeling there was something there walking towards them.

Suddenly a tan male jumped into the arena causing m/n to get thrown back by pickle and pickle taking up a fighting stance.

No one's POV

Professor Albert, captain and Tokugawa was surprised to see pickle taking up a fighting stance but they for m/n who was thrown behind pickle by his truely.

M/n growl as he stood up and glares at retsu as he was stood in a fighting stance having most of his attention on pickle more than him which pissed m/n off.

M/n was pissed at the fact that retsu didn't see him as a threat.

"I'll never get this chance ever again" retsu stated as he stared at the growling beast before him not minding a small caveman that was smaller than him growling towards him as well.

"for this contest I will call upon all my strength and every skill I have ever Learned" he said as he moved closer to pickle.

Pickle swung his hand at Retsu but he blocked but he caused him to be sent back against the arena wall smashing it.

Pickle charges at the male only to be stopped with a kick to the face. Seconds later he was hit in the face with Retsu ponytail, his legs got swept out from under him before being kicking in the face before.

Pickle sat there with a tears streaming out of his eyes due to the kick he received in the face.

"Well done" Retsu said as pickle started to get up.

Retsu threw several punches to pickles chin thinking that his brain would turn to mush but this was cut short by pickle grabbing Retsu head and pushing him backwards while his feet was on the ground.

Retsu was stunned. Pickle picked up the small man and toke a bite out of his shoulder and eating a piece it, this caused Retsu to snap out of it and knee him in the guts.

But that didn't stop pickle from taking another bite out of his shoulder again but this time Retsu elbowed pickle in the side of the head.

Pickle let go that time and the smaller man jump back putting some distance between them.

Retsu's shoulder was bleeding from the two bites he suffered from the big man in front of him.

Retsu raised his hands as his eyes leaked tears. He started running at pickle throwing windmill punches. Retsu had to swallow his pride and try to survive.

The two professors heard a little laugh a few seconds after they saw this. They turned their heads to see m/n sitting on the ground laughing as he didn't take his eyes off Retsu and pickle.

"He's laughing?!" The professor said in surprise as the two other males were just as shocked as him.

Pickle has had enough with Retsu and he threw his hand towards Retsu only to be stopped by his foot.

Retsu went from kung fu to no skill to kung fu again?!

Pickle threw some more hands but Retsu either dodged or blocked them.

Retsu delivered a kick to pickles head following up to a punch to pickles man Jewels and a heel to the head.

Everyone was shocked at this except for one.

Retsu would soon regret these actions in a moment.

Because as pickle hits the ground he's faced with a different opponent, the all three men watching were scared to see how it was going to turn out.

It was m/n turn and he looked pissed...


"There were two?!"  **Pickle x male reader**Where stories live. Discover now