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cw: graphic depictions of violence, slight self-inflicted harm (brief), blood, gore, and death (not between any pairs or main characters)


Y/n has never been so frantic in her life as she runs through the campus. The place is desolate and deathly silent, but there is blood and bodies everywhere, in human and wolf forms. After the first body she sees, Y/n speeds up her haste, fueled by her fear, and the only sounds she can hear are the stomping of her feet on the pavement and her ragged breaths.

Why did she choose a college that has dorms at the very back of the campus?

She lets out a string of curses as she turns into another intersection of buildings before she staggers to a stop. A wolf is standing there with a torn-off hand hanging from its jaw, staring at her with pure black eyes, and her chest contracts with fear.

It's blocking the direct path to the dorms.

She takes steady steps back before he drops the hand, crouching in a low position to pounce, and Y/n sprints east. She can hear the wolf's howl as it chases after her, and it sounds downright demonic, running a shiver up her spine as it grates at her ears.


She keeps herself in a perfect sprinting position with her back straight, running on her toes with wide strides for extra leverage just like her father taught her as she runs around the building and continues on the usual path to the dorms. Y/n can feel the wolf getting closer as she rushes around the fourth dead body on the path, and her instincts scream at her. She dodges to the left, feeling the gush of wind rushing past her, and runs as the wolf stumbles from her sudden shift with a rabid growl before it blindly runs forward, smacking straight into the lamppost she pivoted around.

Y/n frowns briefly as a thought pushes into her mind, but she ignores it, keeping herself steady. She's never been so glad her father disciplined her and her siblings with fitness training their entire life. It quickly failed as an actual punishment and became a family bonding activity for them. Her wolf whines at the worried thought of them, wondering if they're safe. She doesn't get to ponder it long.

As she passes another building, she catches sight of another wolf.

"Goddess above," she grits, pushing just a bit harder.

Her lungs start to protest, but she refuses to shift her breathing. She breathes in and out with each step she takes and keeps going. Just as her fear starts to kick up, she flinches as she hears harsh growling and risks a glance back. The two wolves are fighting each other, blood quickly shedding as they tear each other apart.

"What the fuck?" she pants, briefly slowing down to watch.

They don't pay her any attention as they keep battling it out and she lets out a laugh of disbelief as she turns and starts to jog forward again.

"They're dumb," she babbles in shock. "They're actually dumb. They lose all logic, just like if they were feral."

Y/n can not believe this is happening to her right now.

She runs around another corner, her adrenaline kicking up as she recognizes the path to the omega dorms but she slams into a hard, furry body. They go tumbling and Y/n's head spins as she knocks it against the concrete before her instincts react for her as the wolf immediately turns to attack her. It lunges at her with a wide bite but is met with direct contact with the ground, cracking its teeth open as Y/n violently ducks her head to the left, causing a sharp pain to shoot up her neck and her head to spin. With the adrenaline running through her veins, she doesn't feel the blood running down the side of her face as Y/n grabs her bag a split second later and holds it over her head.

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