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The next day, Y/n wakes up to a pounding head and her wolf whining inside of her. She remembers everything that's happened in the last 24 hours and resists the urge to fall into another drop. She lays there in Jisung's nest for an entire hour before she forces herself up to eat. As she eats the leftovers of a meal Minho made, Y/n breaks down into tears again, hoping and praying that they're not dead, and managed to get to safety elsewhere.

After she eats, Y/n packs a bag full of their clothes to keep and the travel-safe food in the cupboards. She dresses in Jisung's sweatpants and Minho's shirt and hoodie before she straps everything to her body. There are knives gartered to her wrists, thighs, and hips and a retractable spear on her back.

Luckily for her, Y/n's family home isn't too far from her school. She reminds herself to stay calm, that she's doing this for her siblings. Everything will be okay if she focuses on her goal and never strays. With a sound mind, Y/n grabs the last food in their fridge and leaves the apartment with a whining wolf. She approaches the door that the mother and child from the other day stumbled into and knocks on it. She waits patiently before the door peeks open. An eye stares at her suspiciously and Y/n waves.

"Hi," Y/n gives a shy smile. "I-I noticed that you came in here last night with a pup. I'm leaving to find my family but I have some food leftover I don't want to waste, so..." She holds it up and the woman perks up. "Could you take it?"

She closes the door and Y/n hears the chain unlock before she reopens it and pulls her inside. Y/n yelps but rights herself.

"Are you sure you should go?" the woman asks, shutting the door with a worried scrunch of her nose. "It's dangerous out there, pup."

"I know," Y/n hands over the food. "But I-I can't leave my siblings. They're just as young as your pup without our parents there and I have to protect them."

The woman deflates but takes in the way she's heavily strapped with weapons and nods. "Okay. Thank you so much for this. What is it?"

"Oh, it's kimchi and a lot of meat," Y/n tells her. "That should last you a couple of months if you're smart about it."

She nods. "Okay. Thank you. Be safe please."

Y/n smiles and takes her leave.

With a steady pace, Y/n sprints across town with her eyes and ears alert. Every wolf she comes across is too busy eating something, so she manages to avoid any fights. As she jogs into her neighborhood, she pauses at all the carnage along the streets. What was once a beautiful, peaceful place is now a mess with lingering fires in cars and houses and dead bodies everywhere. Y/n picks up her pace with a jolt of adrenaline and runs toward her house. As she turns on her street, she falters to a stop.

In the middle of the street is a wolf with a white coat with three rings of red around its neck. The coat that Y/n's seen so many times throughout her life.

Her mother.

"Umma," Y/n gasps, clapping her hands over her mouth.

Her mother's head whips around toward her, muzzle covered in dried blood and growls at her, leaning down into a hunch. Her eyes are black and lifeless. She's truly gone.

Y/n flinches as her mother takes off across the concrete, running straight for her and panic rushes up her throat as she fidgets within. She can't hurt her, that's her mother. The woman who loved her and raised her has always been there for her unconditionally.

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