The prowler

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Minutes before- Your P.O.V

Miles and I stood outside, catching our breathes and messing with a device that me managed to put together to get a word over to Peter and the rest of the spider-mans. " Will this work?" Miles asks, taking a step back. " I have no idea. Are your sure this is how the device in the spider realm looks like?" He nods in approval. " Well, guess we ain't got a choice." I set the device down onto the ground and take a couple steps back. Miles presses the button. The first time, nothing happens.

The second time, the device just shakes. but still nothing. The third time the device made a beeping noise, but still nothing. We almost gave up, had Miles not wanted to give it one more try. On the last try, the device shook as things around us started to levitate off the ground. Random pieces of garbage started to fly past my face, as a portal begins to open.

As the portal stabilizes, Miles gets closer. " Do you recognize the dimension?" I ask, covering my eyes. He nods his head yes and steps through. " wait Miles-" Then BOOM. Miles goes flying through the air as the device makes a loud beeping noise. It then begins to shake and crackle. Miles grabs me, as the device shakes and catches fire. He rushes to grab one of the fir extinguishers from the wall and sprays it down. 

"Miles, you okay?" I ask. He slowly walks over to me, revealing a gash on his shoulder. I run over to him and wipe of some of the dirt and blood from the wound. " We should get you inside Miles, this was a bad idea." He didn't move, nor did he say anything. He just stood there. " Miles. What did you see?" He looks at me, " I saw Peter, but I couldn't reach him." My heart begins to sob. Poor Miles. After going through a huge ordeal he has to worry about his family back home while he is miles away from them. Hell, dimensions away from them. I carefully pick up the device. It isn't going to be of any use to us fried.

" I will be in the hide-out." I walk down the tunnel and stop in front of the door, setting down the device. Thats when it all happened. It happened so quick. The Prowler jumping out from behind the trash bags, Miles trying to protect me, and then, lights out.


I woke up in a bed. My eyes feel heavy and my body feel sore, probably from the energy that device was giving off. Oh God, Miles! I hope he is okay. I try to get out of this bed, but I realize that whatever drug that person gave me, still has an effect on my bed. I slowly roll off the bed, my head hitting the ground with a loud thunk. When I press my head against the floor, I can hear voices. " Please, I need to get home, I don't belong here. You have to let me go." It's Miles. " Now why would I do that?" That voice, that cuban accent. That sounds a lot like... my Miles? can that be?! Then it all came rushing to me, the phone calls, the exhaustion, the lateness, the no spider-man dimension, the Prowler, his Uncle Aaron, the helping, the party, his mom The spider. Earth-42. Miles was never meant to be a hero. Miles wasn't suppose to be a spider-man. My Miles was. 

Thats why this dimension is like this. It was always suppose to be Miles. Thats why he said someone here was suppose to be the one to be bitten, thats why he got teleported here, his DNA was recognized because the spider that bite him was from here. Everything made sense!

My head is spinning and my ears start to ring. " I'll go check on her." A voice from downstairs says. I quickly lift my head up and try to get myself to move onto the bed. Footsteps begin climbing the staircase, getting closer and louder with every step. I start to shake. What they hurt me? What do I tell them? How do I explain everything? Is Miles okay? What is going on? How are they reacting to each other.

The light comes pouring into the room, as Uncle Aaron stands in the doorway, looking down at me as I lift my head up to look at him. His eyes, look almost as lifeless as Miles. " Sorry about drugging you. It was the only thing that could've gotten the situation under control." I roll my eyes. He chuckles. Not a menacing chuckle like a mock, but a sweet laughter. I almost feel bad that such a person can even go through all these hardships for the people of Brooklyn.

" I know this is all new to you," He continues, " But do not worry, everything will be explained, as soon as you explain what you we're down there and who this guy is?" He walks over to me and sits me up onto the bed. " Miles is going to come talk to you. I hope that is okay?" I nod my head yes and he leaves the room. In comes Miles, with the Prowler suit on. It is almost surreal to see the Prowler right in front of me maskless. Everyone having their theories about who he is and who he works for. Some think he works for an elite mob boss, others see him as Brooklyn's robin hood, while others think he's secretly working with the villains to keep us at bay.

He pulls up a chair and sits down in front of me, his eyes being the same beautiful brown and half open as usual. His stern look made me shiver. 

We sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity before he said something. He sighed and leaned back into his chair, keeping his eyes on me. " Y/N why were you at those tracks? In the middle of the night?" I hesitate before answering. " I know this is going to sound crazy but you have to believe me. That guy you punched in the alley is a friend of mine. His name is Miles and he comes from a different dimension. it sounds crazy, I know, but you have to believe me. There are different dimensions all across the world. This is just one of many. I know because I've seen them before." I bite my lip and looked down. " I had no idea that you we're the Prowler. it has came up many times in my head that you could've been, but I never thought it was actually you. I was at the tracks with Miles to help him get home. I have to get him home, if I don't his family is going to die. He needs out help. Please help us Miles." He stares at me before getting up and walking over to the window.

" I can't do that." He says coldly. " What, what do you mean you can't? We can , we just need him to contact the others they'll know what to do-" " Why would I?" He turns to loo at me, his face becoming an even colder stern than usual. " Why not?" I ask, looking into his eyes. He shakes his head. " You should get some rest, I will take you back home tomorrow." " No wait, you can't- " My words are cut-off as he walks over to me and sticks a needled into my thigh. " Shh." He coes, before leaving me to given in to the darkness.


Having the conversation with my other self felt so.. non-existent. So unreal. But, it didn't change the fact that he tries attacking Y/N and that my secret got out. Not to mention, he knows about both myself and uncle Aaron. How can I let him go? How can I let him go see his father? Mine is dead? He has yet to feel what I feel. But he will. 

I lift Y/N up into my arms and take her to the guest bedroom down the hall, tucking her and kissing her forehead before leaving the room and heading back downstairs to the tied up version of me. " You come from another dimension I hear?" I ask, looking him up and down. " yes, and I'm guessing that you we're the one who was suppose to become spider-man." He asks, drawing in deeper breathes. I step closer to him. " Who is he?" He flinches. " A superhero. A good guy." " Why don't we have one?" He hesitates before speaking. " I wasn't suppose to get bite by a radioactive spider, you were." " What do you mean?"

He goes on to tell me about how he ended up getting bite by a mysterious spider in a subway and getting his hero killed and stepping up to become the next hero to save his new York from villains and how he found out that his Uncle Aaron was the Prowler in his dimension and how he died trying to save his life; he goes on to tell me that a scientist from his dimension took a spider from this dimension and that spider bite him, so when he tried to return home, the reactor sensed his DNA as part of this world instead of his own, which is how he ended up here and why he was alerted when he saw me as the Prowler.

Guess faith has a weird way of working. Unc comes across the floor and stand next to me. " I think you should be kept her for a while, until we figure out what to do with you." " No wait I have to get home-" What home?" I ask, as we leave him in the room all tied up and alone.

Miles G Morales ( Prowler ) X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now