4| The funeral

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I walked up to the stand

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I walked up to the stand. I can feel my hands start to shake when I stare at all the people. My mom's will stated she wanted me to speak at her funeral.

"Out of everything I wish I could say to my mom I wish I could say thank you once more. It's such a simple statement, but something I wish I said more," I say shaking keeping my hands on the stand in front of me. "There are a matter of things I wish I could say thank you for. Some small while others are huge. But all deserved the same simple response," I state. "She sacrificed everything for my siblings and I. She was our number one supporter. Anything we did she was there and trust me she took pride in that," I say feeling more comfortable while I talk about her. "She was one of the kindest, strongest, and selfless women I know. I'm honored that I was able to call her mom," I say and kiss my hand and put my hand on her casket. I walk over to Kie. I sob with Kie as they lowered our mom into the ground. She is really gone. All because of our bastard father. "We didn't even get to say goodbye," I cry to Kie.

"I know Octavia. We at least have each other and the De Luca's," Kie tells me holing me close. Once we pull away we walk to the De Luca's. I hold onto Alex like my life depended on it. I could feel a few of his tears hit my shoulder.

"Are you ready to go?," he asked whipping my tears. I nodded and we all walked to the cars.

"Can we go skating?," I ask. Alex nods and we drive to the rink. Mama loved it when we skated, so I feel it is only right for us to do it today.

We pull up to the skating rink and it took me a few minutes to get out of the car. I slowly get out with Alex by my side. Kie also got out of one of the cars.

"One last skate for mama?," Kie asked me. I nod and gave a small smile. We all walked in and the owner smiled at us.

"What are you guys doing here? Where's Olivia," she asked.

"Umm she passed and we wanted to have one last skate in honor of her," I respond. She looked taking a back but nodded.

"Your skates are in your respective locker rooms," she told all of us. We have skated here for years along with everyone else. Rosalie and me made our way to our locker room.

"I didn't get to show her my latest dance I've been working on," I tell her sighing.

"You can always show us hun. Trust me she is looking down on you and couldn't be more proud," Rosa told me pulling me in for a hug.

I relaxed into her arms. After we pulled apart we got to putting on our skates. We walked out and went to the ice.

Once I touched it I felt at home. I started doing different tricks and just skating around. I even did my triple axel that I so barely wanted to land those few years ago. The boys came out on the ice and Alex ran over to me. When he got to me ice flung up and he sheepishly smiled.

"How you feeling?," he asked.

"A little better," I responded. Alfonzo and Kie came out with the hockey nets and sticks.

"You guys up for a game?," Alfonzo asked.

"I guess," I shrugged. We all skated over to them.

"I'm a captain and Grey can be the other one," Alex told us. "I pick Via of course," he said. I skated over to him then Grey picked Kie. Then Alex picked Val and Al went to Grey's team.

Rosa wanted to Ref. We played for about an hour and then we all got tired, so we decided to go home. The car ride home Alex and me listened to random songs on the radio.

Once we pulled up and got inside Rosa asked, "is anyone hungry we can order pizza."

"I'm not I think I'm gonna go lay down," I told her. I walked upstairs and got on a hoodie and shorts I hurried and went to brush my teeth. I then climbed under the covers and snuggled into the pillow.

I kept trying to fall asleep but my mind felt like it was running all over the place. I remembered about my mom's bag so I got up and went into the closet. Neither Alex or I had touched it.

But I think it's right the right time to open it. I got on the floor and opened the bag. I was immediately met with her sent which made me start to tear up.

That's something they don't tell you in the movies. How the slightest thing about losing a parent can set off the tears.

I brushed them away and pulled out the first item. It was her favorite necklace. She has worn this thing for god knows how long. Then I pulled out the clothes she packed.

I found a journal but it's not mine to read so I put it back along with everything else. I heard the room door open and someone walking up behind me.

"Are you ok?," Alex asked wrapping his arms around me.

"Ya, I decided to looked through my mamas bag," I told him. "I hope she's happy now," I told him turning towards him. He smiled sadly at me. We walked to the bed and I sat on it.

"I'm gonna go get ready for bed," he told me to which I nodded. I pulled the blanket on me and waited for him to come back. He came out of the closet with sweatpants on then he went to the bathroom. I watched my hands and fiddled with them. He walked out and came over to the bed. "Do you wanna go to sleep or talk?," he asked.

"Talk," I responded. "I wanna be apart of the mafia," I told him honestly. He looked a bit taking a back.

"Are you sure?," he questioned looking around my face for any sign of hesitation.

"I'm positive. Killing him. Taking that evil piece of shit out of this world gave me the greatest joy. I want to help other people with that," I explain to him.

"I'll ask my dad about it," he tells me. "It would be kinda sexy to watch you kill someone tho," he whispered in my ear. I blushed and hid my face in his neck.

"Well and if we ever do get married wouldn't I be your Donna?," I asked raising my eyebrows. He laughed and nodded.

"Trust me we will get married," he tells me smiling smug. I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed. "I was wondering would you like to go on a date soon?," he asked. I immediately brightened up and nodded. "Since your birthday is on Friday we're going to the beach house for 2 weeks and this seems to be the perfect time. You will be able to relax. It will be just me and you," he explains to me.

I love the beach house. We used to go all of the time as kids. We all had the best memories.

We would always bury Valentino in the sand. I hope when I'm older and I have kids they will have a good life. I hope they don't have to deal with a price of shit father. But I have a feeling Alexander and I will get married.

He would be the best dad ever. Just like he would be the best husband. I slowly dozed off and all I heard was "I love you so much" I felt a kiss being pressed on my nose and a small smile made its way to my lips.

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