chapter thirty-five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

Bright and early Monday morning, the Mikaelson family dispersed. Now that Henrik was back as a witch, the glamour spell Bonnie placed on him, helping him appear older had dropped, making him look like the average fifteen-year-old boy. Because of that, he couldn't exactly drive himself to school, so he had no choice but to allow Kol to drive him.

Elijah went off too, his path being different from Klaus's. His talk with Marcellus had been quite informative; even though, he was sure the man wasn't trying to be all on his own. To figure out his mother's involvement in all of this, he was sure that he needed to pay a visit to the newest regent of all nine covens. But Elijah knew better than to do that alone, more so without the help of a witch. So, forcing her to pause her torture session, he took Elyza with him.

While his brothers went their own ways, Niklaus Mikaelson decided to go to the man he once looked to like a son. The vampires would be his biggest defense against his wretched mother.

Digging his phone out of his pocket, he tried to tap any button on the small device to get it to stop ringing. Glancing down, he realized the name of the person calling him.


He declined it instantly. He knew that his son, Marcellus, had a little thing about protecting kids, but he did not have that. He would not take Bonnie's betrayal lightly if she insisted on communicating with him. He slid over the little button on the side, placing his new phone on silent.

Walking into the bar he knew Marcellus would be at, he looked around. Not only was the bar filled with vampires, but the person he actually came to see was nowhere in sight.

"I came to see the vampire prince," Klaus began. "One of you should provide helpful."

"We don't answer to you, Klaus," one of the vampires scoffed, stepping closer to the vampire.

The original laughed. In the fixing of his relationship with Marcellus, he had been introduced to his closest vampires. This one, Diego, had always seemed to hate him. "You do," Klaus smirked, before speeding over to Diego, thrusting his hand into his chest. "Or you die."

"Klaus, don't!" Marcel's voice echoed through the room. The original didn't move, prompting Marcel to continue. "I'll-I'll never forgive you. You want me back in the family? Fine, but you'll never get that if you kill one of my guys."

Klaus's smirk dropped but so did his hand. Without his heart, Klaus pulled his hand out of the man's chest. Turning around, Klaus dropped the man's body, allowing him to gasp for air. "You know you're my soft spot, Marcellus, and you sure do use that to your advantage."

Nineteen-year-old Marcellus Mikaelson cheered as he danced in the crowd of people. A couple of the witches Kol had introduced him started to dance with him... or on him. However, one would categorize it. Marcellus slid his hand around the young witch's waist, pulling her closer to him.

Kol came up next to him, having not just one but two witches on his sides. Passing him a drink, he whispered, "Have fun, my friend!"

Marcellus downed it in one gulp, this one task admittedly being the most fun he had on one of his birthdays. And that was saying something since Klaus always went above and beyond for his birthdays. Throwing his head back in ecstasy, he lifted the empty glasses, signaling someone to come refill it.

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