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In shadows cast upon the land,Where fear does reside, hand in hand,

There lies a whisper, brave and true,That bids the timid hearts renew

Bravery, a gleaming light, so bright,

Ignites the soul with untamed might,It weaves a tapestry, bold and strong,Rousing spirits to battle wrong.

For courage does not dwell in might,Nor seek to bask in ego's light,

But in the face of all the unknown,It dares to rise, fear overthrown.

When thunderstorms unleash their rage,Lightning dances on the stage,

Bravery stands, unyielding, deep,Calm amidst the chaos that creeps.

Across vast oceans, uncharted wide,Where curious souls venture to ride,

Bravery steers the ship of dreams,Navigating uncharted streams.

Amidst adversity's relentless tide,When weighty burdens, no one can hide,

It carries hope, a compass, true,Guiding spirits to new pathways.

For bravery resides within the heart,A flickering flame, a vital part,

That finds its strength in steadfast will,For it knows fear, but fights it still.

So let us embrace bravery's grace,And seek its refuge in every place,

For in the face of darkness and strife,Bravery ignites the spark of life.

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