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"Party we have to go!" They heard someone ahead of them shout in a blur. But they wasn't listening.
All they could hear was that gunshot and the pained cries of their brother. Going over and other in their mind.
They imagined something like this could have happened. They didn't think it would actually happen in the real world.

"We'll be fine. Just go, get the girl out of here" they recalled, remembering seeing their brother's arm dripping with crimson liquid.

"I can't leave you"
"You have no choice. Just save her and yourself, and we'll hold them back"
"I-okay.." Party, for once in their life, hesitated.

He took The Girl, looking behind at Kobra and the other two one last time, seeing Kobra smile.
Then they turned and ran, holding The Girl hand and guiding her through the city.

But they didn't get far before they heard a gunshot, before hearing an all to familiar cry.
No. Party stopped running, frozen in time and space. Muscles tensing up, eyes growing small.
"KOBRA!" Voices seemed to scream from down the hallway.

"Party we have to go!" The Girl shouted, but the Killjoy was unmoving, flinching at two more gunshots and two more familiar cries.

Again, not able to move, they uttered something, but nothing came out.
"Par-" The Girl tried to shout again, but another shot cut her off. One much closer to them, the bullet embedding itself into Party's left leg.
"Oh shi-" they realized, snapping back to life before running-limping.

"Oh for Dystroya's sake!" The Girl complained, before grabbing Party's jacket and leading them back towards a large vent, the two crawling in before making their way down the small tunnels.
"I thought you was supposed to be rescuing me?" She whispered, laughing at little, Party shrugging.

The two came to a stop after hearing footsteps just a little outside the vent, not daring to breath as they heard Korse talk to his dracloids.
"Leave them. We'll have another chance. The other three are dead and that blasted Party Poison is injured. They won't get far without their little team," he seemed to sneer right down the vent, every word piercing at Party's heart.
The other three are dead? No. Nope. He's bluffing. He's got to be..

Eventually Exterminator Korse passed, the two continuing on their way.
"Where is it?" The Girl questioned, "the Tran AM?"
"Oh. Just by the tunnel. This vent should pass over it in about ten minutes.." Party stopped.
"How do you-"

"Dr's stolen maps." They shrugged again, The Girl taking that as an answer, the rest of the journey being in silence as the two crawled. Both wondering if what Korse had said really was true. Was the other Fabulous Killjoys truly dead?
Eventually, they reached the large tunnel, climbing down the ladders before Party looked to all the corners.

"All clear. Be quick. They have eyes everywhere." Party reminded, The Girl raising her eyebrow. It seemed a little obvious to point out.
This place must really give them the creeps she shrugged it of thought as they reached the Trans AM, Party Poison, of course, still hobbling, leaving a trail of blood spots.

They sighed as they climbed into to driver's seat, waiting for The Girl to climb into the passenger one. It felt weird, not having to cram four fully grown people into the tiny passenger area.


The two didn't talk again until they was far out of the city, and on their way back to Zone 6.
"That looks bad" The Girl commented.

"What this? Naw. I've been through worse" they laughed before looking dark, "We all had"
"Thanks for the rescue." The Girl sighed, "Even though it costed the others. Do you think they're really gone or-"
She stopped after looking at Party. Again, living in the desert and eating literal dog food meant she had seen them all sick before. But nothing like this.
Party Poison looked ghostly pale, like they'd pass out any second.

Party never answered the question, just kept looking out the window at the endless desert, a few buildings belonging to various runners, and the occasional car passing by.
"We entered Zone 6 not long back, The Diner's not to far right? Oh look! There it is!" The Girl braced herself as Party tried to expertly park, but failing due to their leg as Dr Death waited out the diner, shaking his head at the car's janky halt.

"Oh Party. I told you not to let Jet-Star drive.." Death started, but quickly stopped. There was no laughing, no Mad Gear and Missile Kid blasting out, no celebrating.
They did find her right?

But as The Girl slowly opened the door, he knew what had really happened. This was the day he'd always dreaded.
At least Party walked out, more-or-less alive.

"Hey Dr... We found her... I think...  others got themselves gho.. and I really hope you've got some medical supplies he-," they said with no energy or tone at all, before finally giving up, face-planting the sand


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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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