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A/n : first chapter of the story, I'm kinda excited even if I don't really know where I'm going yet. But I'm so happy, they just put the last episode in Netflix! I can't wait to watch it.
P.S : I don't really have a special plot in mind so if you have any suggestions please feel free to share with me, I will gladly use them if I feel like I could write them.
P.P.S : this chapter is the meeting between the two protagonists, it happens before the first episode of the show, just so you won't be confused.

The sound of heels hitting the ground was resonating in the air, being the only sound in this eerie silence

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The sound of heels hitting the ground was resonating in the air, being the only sound in this eerie silence.
A man, probably in his mid thirties, gasped and began to shake, visibly afraid. His long dark hair was greasy, his appearance was neglected and he had dark purple circles under his eyes. He was siting on a small chair that seemed to be ready to fall down at any moment, the feet being in an odd and awkward position.
Still shaking, the man stood up and took a look around.
The place was an old and dusty shop, which, by the look of it, didn't respect the hygiene rules. Well, if the rats who were running around were an indicator.
The sound of walking was becoming louder and louder, indicating that the person was progressing towards him.
The poor-looking man looked at the corridor, which was leading to the entrance and the only door, and yelled.
"I know why you're here, but I won't let you do it! You won't take me!"
His voice cracked in the end, and, his shaking having only worsened, it was not difficult to see that he was terrified and desperately trying to keep himself from peeing himself.
Suddenly a silhouette appeared on the other end of the corridor, the face being hidden because of the person standing in the shadows.
"You know the rules. We made a deal, you signed a contract. It's time you pay the price"
The man stepped out of the shadows, revealing a handsome and tall man with a smirk. Slowly approaching the frightened man, he lifted his hand, an old looking parchment appearing.
"I wasn't in the right mind, I didn't even think about it! You can't make me pay for that!" The man yelled while backing up. "Who are you to do such things?"
The black-haired, handsome man smirked and stepped forward. "I'm a demon and i can do whatever I want"
The man-demon continued to step forward, the other man stepping back, until the terrified man was cornered against the wall, having no more possibility of escaping.
"Consider yourself lucky, you will die of a heart attack, some don't have that luck."
The demon didn't let the time for the man to think and snapped his fingers, the sound resounding on the walls.
The unknown man grabbed his own chest, feeling his heart clenching and having difficulty breathing. His eyes rolled back and not even seconds later he was falling on the ground. "One day... you'll ...suffer'll pay ... for what've been ...doing" the dying man said while trying to breathe.
His respiration slowed down until his chest stopped moving, indicating his death.
The demon looked at the body, the paper in his hand going in flames and turning to ashes that disappeared.
"Pff. It's bullshit. I'm invincible and I'm not capable of suffering." The demon muttered angrily. He couldn't bear hearing someone saying that he was not all-mighty and that he had a weak spot. He did not!
"I'm amazing like always" confidently said the man walking toward the door.
Once outside he looked around and searched for a shop selling cakes. Not finding any he huffed angrily and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "What decent city doesn't have a bakery!"
He watched the humans walking around with a superior look on his face, he was so much better than them. They were all walking without any reason, just being their useless selves.
His eyes moved to the street and he realized that an old man was trying to cross the road to get to the other side of the street. But, being more slow than the average person, he didn't had the time to do so before a car came at fast speed, and approached him dangerously.
He wouldn't have the time to reach the other side the demon realized. Sure, he could have done something, but the man was already old and he could die from any moment now, so It wasn't really worth it.
Waiting for the accident, the man kept a straight face and looked at the old man.
Suddenly a man came fast and pushed the person out of the way, himself being hit by the car.
The car continued its way and disappeared so fast that no one had the time to do anything.
A crowd gathered around the injured man and a woman could be seen calling an ambulance with her phone. This was not unusual to see such things, as incidents like this happened frequently, but the demon remarked something. A weird feeling invaded his heart and he felt a cold feeling running down his spine.
Time seemed to stop and all became silent.
All movement stopped as time seemed to freeze, leaving only silence and immobility. The people had been stopped and were now frozen in place, the cars were not moving anymore, the birds were still in the air, not flying, and even the trees that were previously shaking with the wind were now still.
A man dressed in all white appeared from seemingly nowhere, and made his way to the street were the man was still laying. Finally standing above him, a smile lit up his face, his eyes shining with joy and love.
At this moment, the demon could have sworn that his heart stopped beating in his chest. This man was absolutely breathtaking and just made him want to drop on his knees and worship him.
His slightly wavy brown hair that seemed to be extremely soft, his brown, sweet eyes sparkling with warmth, his stunning and flawless skin that could only have been made by God, his lean and slender body that could probably make anyone drool, and his wings, beautiful, pure white wings with soft looking leather ; his entire being just screamed 'angel', and, honestly, the demon himself had to recognize that this Angel was the best creature God ever put on Earth.
The Angel crouched over the injured man and put one of his hands above his head. A white glow appeared from his hand and spread out across the man's body, the Angel's body glowing with an unreal light in the process.
The demon looked at him in awe. He looked so ethereal, so pure, he was truly an angel.
The injuries of the man were healing quickly and his body took a less stiff position. Seemingly satisfied by his work, the Angel stopped his action and took out his hand from the man's face.
He smiled softly and lowered himself until his lips were resting against the man's forehead, another glow, pale blue this time, emitting from his lips and slowing making his way to the other man entire body.
The demon's body stiffened and he clenched his fists. He didn't know why he was angry at the sight of the Angel kissing another man on the forehead, but one thing was sure, he didn't like it a bit.
The Angel man stood up again and walked away from the scene, walking between the cars. As if feeling the demon's presence he stopped and turned back. He looked at the demon directly in the eyes and smiled gently, his face lighting up with kindness.
The demon's heart fluttered and he felt a smile creeping its way on his face against his will.
They stood there, not moving, standing in front of each other only separated by a street. The Angel, the Demon. They didn't know each other but they felt a connection between them, a bond. They were linked. Was it because they were opposed by their nature themselves, or was it something else ? They didn't know. But they wanted to discover it. And it was probably that curiosity that led the demon to take his next decision, that or a desperate want to be near the other, but he approached the Angel. He walked, crossed the street and reached the end of sidewalk where the Angel was standing.
Now standing face to face with the godly looking man, the demon's breath hitched. The other's man beauty was making him speechless and he couldn't help but check him out. And the Angel didn't seem to be any better, himself being awestruck by the sight of the demon.
"Hi. I'm Si-woo. Kim Si-Woo." The man, now known as Si-Woo spoke. His voice like honey was apparently enough for the demon's heart to beat repeatedly against his chest, making him think that he would just jump out of his body.
" I'm Jeong Gu-Won", fortunately his voice didn't betray his thoughts and he was still able to form sentences.
Si-woo smiled sweetly at him, white, perfect teeth peering out of his mouth. His smile was just so contagious and Gu-Won just wanted to gather him in his arms and never let him go.
"You are a demon, aren't you? This is why you can see me" confidently said Si-woo with his dazzling smile and his beautiful voice.
Gu-won made a weird noise, choking on his saliva, having not expected it. Recovering quickly, his usual smirk appeared on his face and he answered proudly, "Yes. I am", then, he asked, even if he already knew it, "And you, you are an angel, yes?"
Si-woo looked at him with his bright eyes and stunning smile. "Yes. I came because his soul called me" he said with his calm voice.
Gu-Won furrowed his eyebrows. His soul called him?
"What do you mean?"
The brown haired man smiled indulgently and replied. "When someone with a pure soul is going to do something extremely selfless, his soul 'call' for me, most of the time because they are in danger or injured. And my job is to reward them and help them. But I don't do only that. I have the mission of finding the purest souls and guiding them through life and toward heaven when their time comes."
Gu-won scrunched up his nose. For him it seemed pretty unfair. Si-Woo had to make sure people go to heaven but himself was stuck here, God was cruel with him.
Suddenly the Angel's eyes turned black and his body froze. His hair raised up slightly, like if lifted by a nonexistent wind and his hands shook lightly.
Gu-Won's eyes widened and he began to panic. What was he supposed to do?
"Si-Woo. Si-Woo!" He yelled, worried.
The demon grabbed Si-Woo's shoulders and shook him firmly but gently.
Finally snapping out of his trance-like state , Si-woo stared at Gu-Won with big, sad eyes.
"What you just saw is what happens when one of my protected takes the wrong path. When they decide to abandon themselves to sins and to become selfish . When they depart from the path of Heaven and choose the path of Hell."
His sad voice made Gu-Won want to hug him, and that's what he did.
They may have known each other for just mere minutes but they couldn't deny their obvious connection.
After all, don't we say that Angel and Demon are two faces of a same piece ?
They are two opposite that attract each other.
And now, as Si-Woo was carefully scooped into Gu-Won's arms, the latter finding a feeling of peace and relief in the embrace, they couldn't imagine themselves without the other. They had found their safe place.
They didn't need God's heaven, they just found theirs in the other.

I'm sorry, it's a bit long and I think I went too much in detail, I just couldn't stop 🥲 I know there is probably a LOT of mistakes but 1) English is not my native language 2) even in my native tongue I'm bad with grammar and spelling and 3) it's over 00.15am here and I'm exhausted, my eyes are closing themselves, I don't even know what I'm writing right now😭
Anyway, I don't know how it is, even if it's probably trash, but I can't take the time to read it again, so even if it's really bad please don't hate, I'm doing my best.
If you have something to tell me, regarding the story or any other stuff, I'm here, and I'll answer you, no matter what, so don't hesitate.
I love you all, bisous 😘

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