Minho pov

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I stayed up all night after that, sending her one song after the other. I chose our songs from spotify and sent her the ones which would make her nerves calm down / distract her. I kept searching for youtiful but I couldn't get it. Hyunjin and Felix were still sound asleep so I walked to the balcony, plugged in my earphones, kept the microphone close to my mouth and started singing in a low voice -

Looking at yourself

A lot goes in your mind

"I don't know if I'm ready to show myself"

You worry day and night

Look at the stars fall

They leave the sky, goodbye

Must be an oracle, like a waterfall

They shower you with love tonight...❤️

Cause you are

You're perfect in my eyes

You are

Don't ever doubt yourself

I know that feeling too, I've been inside the dark

I've never been so empty, hopeless

but no, it isn't true

Cause know that all the stars are by your side

The last stanza made me tear up myself. I still felt like I was in the dark...with all the demons haunting me in my dreams. The demons which have been haunting and teasing me since training days. I've always felt empty and hopeless....but all the 7 seven stars have always been by my side. That's why I love them all. And when Kia told me that she was an orphan with only her dog as her family I felt like she was going through what I went through.

You know whenever there's a chance

I'll tell you that you're amazing as you are

'Cause when you give me a glance

I'm sure that I see the universe in your eyes

Don't you ever tell yourself that you're not enough

I am certain that you're truly fine

You are a miracle, miracle

You are youtiful

I closed the recording, sighed and sent her the audio. She didn't reply to me after that and I was afraid she would have recognised my voice. I kept my fingers crossed. But when I removed my earphones, I heard footsteps and Felix opened the balcony's door.

"Hyung...were you singing...and gosh why are you crying?" he saw the tears and asked me.

"Felix, I need help. I feel hollow" I said and sobbed hard on his shoulder after he hugged me. "I am having frequent mood swings - sometimes i am happy and then the very next minute I'm all hollow inside."

He quietly hugged me and I noticed Hyunjin walking towards us. "I booked an appointment with a professional. She is just a friend of mine - don't worry." he said.

"W-Why? No need please...I will manage..."

"Hyung - I've been observing you since days. You've been struggling alone. I don't want this to escalate." Hyunjin said sternly and I felt like listening to him. "Its tomorrow at 10am. Lets keep it confidential - lets go in a disguise. Only our bandmates will know. Okay?" Hyunjin said and I nodded. I saw my phone brighten up with a message and opened it to see Kia's message -

Kia: Its so beautiful Do Yoon. ❤️ You made me feel 100 x better. And did anyone say you've got a great voice? Its almost magical Do Yoon. And thanks for making me feel better. Now I know I am not alone in this world 😊💕

I smiled at her message. "So this is the reason why you've been smiling like crazy. Cute" Hyunjin said reading the message. "Shut up" I said as I stood up. I walked in along with the others and smiled at the message as I texted her -

Do Yoon: Call me whenever you wake up at night. If I calm your nerves down - I will always be ready to sing for you. What are friends for? 🧑‍🎤

Kia: Aww thx Yoon-ah. Now I gotta sleep - your singing made me sleepy. So soothing 🫰

Do Yoon: Thank your doggy for calling me 😀

Kia: Lmao sure. His name is Jellybean

After that she went offline. Even I slept like a log after a long time. The next day I went to the doctor who prescribed me certain medications. They were mild - she said. She told me that if it doesn't reduce I need to change my dose. Meanwhile, for a span of a month I should visit her.

Chan drove me home, and throughout the ride Hyunjin held my hand tight - letting me know he was there for me. It was crazy how Kia - though kilometers apart - indirectly made me visit professional help. Imagine if I didn't sing Youtiful for her. I wouldn't have woken Felix up and I wouldn't have been weak enough to cry.

Hyunjin mirrored my thoughts - "If you didn't sing - we wouldn't have brought you here."

"True" Chan said, driving. I sighed as I opened my phone. A particular post of Kia got my attention. It was posted 'minutes back' and it was her picture with...a cute guy. They were smiling happily like it was their happy moment.

My cheeks became warm reading the caption -

'Got a new friend - Akshay. Isn't he quite handsome???'

And that 'Akshay' had even commented on that post -

'I am lucky to have met a human like you Kia <3'

What was happening between them? Gosh...I hate this Akshay. What's with the heart? How dare he use a heart for her?

I looked at myself. I was more handsome...so why didn't Kia choose me?


Choose me?

Why the heck am I getting possessive?

I don't even love her, damn it.

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