Giyuumitsu (platonic)

213 1 3

Nobody's POV.

Mitsuri twirled around as she admired her newly braided hair in a mirror across from her. Giyuu stood beside her and watched with a small smile that was barely noticeable, but still there.

Now, let's go back in time a bit to see how it came to this.

Mitsuri was in distress as her hair was currently a huge mess. After training with some of her companions, Sanemi had used a breathing technique that had caused a huge gust of wind to mess up her hair (somehow). Mitsuri's hair had loosened its beautiful braids.

Sanemi wasn't to bothered since he didn't understand why she cared that much about her hair, but was yelled at by Obanai for having been so careless and rude after ruining Mitsuri's hair and making her sad.

Anywho, Mitsuri tried to brush out her hair again and braid it, although it was difficult doing it on her own and it would take a while to finish it. Shinobu was on a mission and the other girls at the butterfly estate were bussy tending Tanjiro and his companions wounds. Gyomei wouldn't be able to do much due to his poor vision, Muichiro didn't know how to braid hair, Rengoku was busy sparring with Tengen and Obanai was busy yelling at Sanemi, which meant getting help at the moment wasn't so easy.

At that moment Giyuu passed by the porch she sat on. Giyuu gave a quick glance at the weeping love hashira who brushed her messy pink/green hair.

Giyuu had just gotten there and was sure that he might know what had happened as he had seen Obanai yell at Sanemi not so long ago when he passed by them.

Giyuu walked over to Mitsuri and poked her shoulder, an emotionless expression on his face as always. Mitsuri gave out a startled squeek and turned to look at him. Giyuu tilted his head slightly at her and took a step back, hoping he didn't scare her.

Mitsuri didn't really know Giyuu that well, barely anyone did. The only ones that knew the most about him were Master Kagaya, Shinobu and maybe Rengoku, and even they didn't know him so well. He always came off as both intimidating and scary, but also kind of cute to Mitsuri, like a black cat.

"Umm, can I help you Tomioka-San?" Mitsuri asked with a awkward smile. Giyuu was silent for a few seconds as he thought about what he should say before he pointed at her hair a bit and mumbled out awkwardly while trying not to get eye contact "Do you need any help...?".

Mitsuri blinked confused and a bit surprised. All she could mutter out was a "eh?" as she didn't expect Giyuu to ask her that. She thought he would probably be cold or maybe nit even say anything at all, but this was different.

"Do you need help with braiding your hair?" Giyuu sad a little more clearly, his face still not showing any type of emotion.

Mitsuri gave him a smile and said "Of course!". She gave her brush to Giyuu and say down on the floor, waiting for him to help her. Giyuu slowly sat down behind her and carefully began to brush her hair.

Mitsuri began to hum a small melody so as not to have an awkward silence between them. Giyuu was wery careful to not tug her hair to much while brushing out the knots. It was actually a bit relaxing.

Giyuu felt a small smile creeping up on his face while brushing Mitsuri's hair. It gave him a weird feeling of nostalgia. It was like back then, when he used to braid her hair.

He put the brush away as all the knots were cleared out, and began to part her hair a bit, fold the parts over each other and braid it. He liked listening to Mitsuri hum while he braided her hair. It was nice.

The two hashiras sat together for a while, nothing but the sound of Mitsuri's humming being heard from them alongside a few birds chirping in the background. It was quite a nice moment.

After Giyuu had finished braiding Mitsuri's hair he stood up and gave a small nod of accomplishment. Mitsuri stood up as well and looked at a nearby mirror, causing us to get to the point of the story where we had started.

"Kya! It looks so cute!" Mitsuri turned to Giyuu with a happy and grateful expression "Thank you so much Tomioka-San" she gave him a close eyed smile. Giyuu felt his breath leave him a bit from the sight.

Mitsuri... Mitsuri was so much like her...

Giyuu felt a wave of nostalgia all of the sudden. He looked away and told Mitsuri with a low voice "Your welcome...".

Mitsuri stared at Giyuu for a bit, feeling like she should do something in return to show her gratefulness, and probably get to know the lonely emo a little more. She snapped her fingers as she got an idea of what she could do and looked at Giyuu with a exited expression.

"Tomioka-San, may I braid your hair?" she said with what looked like stars in her eyes. Giyuu tilted his head at her with a confused look on his face. Mitsuri felt herself squeel a bit on the inside from the cute expression.

"Umm... Sure... " Giyuu said awkwardly while scratching his cheek and looking at the floor, a small blush forming on his cheeks. It had been a really long time ago since someone wanted to braid his hair, let alone hang out with him.

Giyuu sat down with his back turned to Mitsuri, tying his hair loose from it's spiky ponytail. Mitsuri sat down behind him and started brushing his hair a bit before she started braiding it, humming happily. She had now finally realised something about Giyuu. He wasn't a cold and scary guy, but a shy and awkward one.

Giyuu smiled a little more as he closed his eyes and listened to Mitsuri's humming. He felt relaxed, but mostly happy. He was happy he was getting along with Mitsuri so well. She did remind him a lot of his sister after all, only that it was Mitsuri.

And so the two of them sat there on the porch, feeling happy and relaxed in each other's presence. This was definitely going to become a weekly thing for them.


Aaaand done! Sorry for the long wait, I had some writers block and other stuff going on in life. I really wanted to make this story after I had seen fanart of these two braiding each others hair. I hope it was a nice chapter, and I hope I can write more of these two in the future! The next chapter will be out very soon to, soooo with that being said, thanks for reading this chapter.

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