Confession 🤪🤪

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Sorry I haven't updated. I hate school sm. But yay! More elmax! To be clear this is all in max's pov. But I might change up a lil never know.

I woke up to yelling again. Ugh why can't they just get along! Man you know what I'm going to els. I got changed,hopped out my window and ran to els.

Once I got there I knocked on her window and to my surprise she opened it faster than ever.
"HEY MAX!" She said with an excited tone.
"Yo! I was wondering if I could spend the day here?"
"Sure! My dad isn't home so we should be fine."
"Ok!" I climbed myself in the window nearly falling and dying.
"Ugh! I've missed you so much max!" She hugged me tightly and my heart began to sped up. Damnit. Now I'm blushing like a freak.
"Same here!" I booped her nose without thinking at all. NO WHY DID I DO THAT!
"Aww looks like someone is a little red." She said in a playful tone
"Ha yea.." silence filled the room but it's awkward silence.
"Hey max I have to tell you something.."
"Uh what is it?"
"You know what never mind. It's stupid anyway."
"Aw come onnn you can tell me!"
"But it''s weird."
"Cmonnnnn" I said groaning at the thought of her mysterious secret
"Fine..I don't know how to word it!"
"Just t-"
I was cut off by els lips on mine. After that she pulled back. I was visually in shock.
"I hope you got the message.."
"I know I shouldn't have done that.. I should've confessed differently"
I hugged her and kissed her agian. Just letting her know I feel the same.
"So are we now?"
The words stung me. Not in a bad way. Just in a what would my family think type way.
"I mean if you want to.."
I was really happy right now. Probably blushing and looking like a weak mess. But Atleast she likes me back

GUYS IM SO SORRY IF THATS WIERD! I had HUGEE writers block and couldn't even write a sentence without crying at how bad it was. But hey I finally updated! Love yall!
Word count- 380

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