Picnic Date

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      Me and el have a picnic date planned this evening! I'm so excited for it. I'm bringing some chick fil a since I can't cook for crap. She said she really likes chicken so I hope it's good!

-time skip, 3:50 pm-

I ran up the hill where el was waiting for me. There was a blanket,basket and some books. She really took her time with this while my lazy ass got chick fil a
"Hey el! You really thought this out!"
"Thanks max! It has to be special!"
El pulled out an apple and patted my spot. I sat down and lied the bag down,giving her the sandwich I got her. We had milkshakes too!
"This is so good el!"
"Thanks,your chick fil a is pretty good aswell!"
"Thanks!" I was smiling pretty hard because this was the happiest I've been in a while. I lay back on her lap and look up at the clouds while holding her hand.
"El this is really nice...this has to be the happiest I've been since I met you"
"Aww thanks max!"
I squeezed her hand just to say thank you back. She bent down and kissed my cheek.
I was probably a blushing mess right now but I didn't care,I was with el and that's all that matters.
I fell asleep for a while,I guess el just drew while I slept on her lap.
Once I woke up I asked
"Hey what if we stayed together forever?"
"I would love that,we probably will too"

I'm so sorry this is short. I ran out of ideasss but anyway hopefully this feeds yall hunger!
Word count- 290

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