PART ONE---Hogwarts Express

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Chapter One

Hogwarts Express

I held my sisters hand the whole way to Hogwarts School or Witchcraft and Wizardry. I was so scared and we haven't even left to station yet. When Hermione had gotten her letter last year it had been a great shock, but we all knew that she wasn't normal. I was the normal one.

Or so we thought until I got my letter in the mail along with Hermione's. It was a thrill of a life time. I was actually going to learn magic from the greatest wizard of all time! Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore him self!

"Piper, relax, your going to be fine." Hermione rubs my hand to loosen it.

"But what if I'm not as smart as you? What if the teachers don't like me because your so brilliant and I'm so... not." I frown.

"At least you don't have six brothers to live up too," a red haired girl in my year named Ginny Weasley said. Then she looked at her brother in Hermione's year, "Well... five." she shrugs.

"Ginny!" Ron yells at his little sister.

"What? It's true." just then the cute boy named Harry Potter walks in and Ginny falls silent.

"Harry, what happened to your glasses?" Hermione asks.

"Dudley sat on me." he sits down next to Ron. I know it's rude to stare, but he is after all the Harry Potter.

"Piper, stop staring." Hermione said quietly.

I look away and look down at my hands. I feel ashamed, as I always do when Hermione scolds me. She is just so perfect and smart that when ever I mess up I can't help but to feel ashamed of myself. It's impossible to live up to her expectations.

"Isn't Gilderoy Lockhart just dreamy?" Ginny holds up her book to me, trying to make conversation with me. I suddenly feel very stupid. I'm probably the only one on this train who knows nothing about this wizard world at all.

I was wrong though. "Who is Gilderoy Lockhart exactly? Your Mum has been talking about him a lot and all out Defense Against the Dark Arts books are all written by him, but yet I have no clue who he is." Harry said, voicing my same problem.

"Remember when we where at Flourish and Blott's? That man who took all those pictures with you is Gilderoy Lockhart. He is only one of the worlds most famous wizards." Hermione blushes slightly. It was so unlike my older sister to act like a fan girl.

"I don't so much care about the famous man, who was the tall scary blond man with the son?" I ask. Hermione gasps, Ron clenches his fists, and a dark look washes over Harry's face.

"That would be Lucius Malfoy and his snake of a son, Draco." Harry said with so much venom I can almost see it dripping form his mouth.  

"I take it you all don't like them. Why?"

"Because they are evil. Major supporters of You-Know-Who." Ron said darkly.

"Ron! Stop scaring my sister!" Hermione wraps her arms around my shoulders, but I push her away. I want to hear more about this You-Know-Who and what makes his supporters so evil.

"No your not, I'm not scared. Tell me more." I sit on the edge of my seat, begging to hear more.

"Well you know what makes me so famous?" Harry asks almost awkwardly. I nod. "Well You-Know-Who, as everybody calls him, but I call him Voldemort-" Hermione and Ron pale, Ginny actually gasps. "Anyways... We is the most evil wizard in all of history, he had a group of people who followed him. The Malfoy family was one of his main ones." Harry explains.

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