Red Wrighting on the Wall

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Chapter Six

Red Writing on the Wall

"Ginny, I thought you got rid of that thing!" I said when I saw the black, ruined, leather diary.

"It's non of your business!" she snaps.

"Ginny, please! You have to get rid of it!" I said.

"Don't tell me what to do, half--!" she gasps before she can even finish the sentence. "Piper I am so sorry. I didn't mean it!" she said.

I shake my head. "Malfoy and his cronies are one thing, but you? Your my best friend... or so I thought..." I wipe my eyes and stand to leave.

"Piper, I am sorry! I don't know why I said it! It's just been really hard on me lately!" Ginny grabs my hand and I yank it away from her.

"You think it's been hard on you? Try having somebody you love with all of your heart be petrified! It scary and it's hard! I can't talk nor confined in my sister. I don't need you making things harder." and I walk out of the library.

The next few weeks went past horribly slow. I felt like I was counting seconds in all of my classes, my pile of late work was growing at a rapid pace, and Hermione seemed to get colder and colder every time I went to see her.

I felt so worn down and tiered that I felt like I would pass out if I didn't get to rest soon I would pass out.

"Are you okay, Pipe?" Harry asks one day during breakfast.

"Just peachy." I mumbled absently.

"Hey listen, Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey are working on an antidote, Hermione will be back will us soon." Harry rubs my back comfortingly.

I smile and nod. "Your right, thank you." I look across at the Slytherin's and I see Malfoy starring at me, with Harry's arm around me. I don't know why, but Malfoy seems mad. Madder than usual.

Everything's got to be so complicated with him.

I sigh as I finish up with my meal and walk out of the great hall, avoiding Ginny the whole time. Not that she noticed anything, she was to busy scribbling in that dumb diary of hers.

The whole of transfiguration I rub the feather of my quill to my jaw bone to pass the time. Doing this is the equivalent to tapping your pencil in muggle-school.

When Professor McGonagall lets the class go, she holds me back. I sigh and sit back down in my seat. "Yes Professor McGonagall?" I ask politely and patiently.

"I'm very sorry about Hermione," she started. I can guess all to well what is coming next. "But I'm a little worried about your marks.. they have dropped considerably." she frowns.

"I know, I'm sorry. I will try to get my work in." I say blankly.


"Yes ma'am?"

"I'm worried about you. If you need help, just let me know, okay? If you need to talk to somebody, face to face, I as long with every other staff member, are ready to listen to you. If you need help with your work..."

"Thank you, Professor." I nod and hurry out of there.

I don't like talking to teachers, and seeing Professor McGonagall seem so kind and soft, not at all her usual strict self, well it was kind of spooky.

I walked around the castle until dinner. I poked at my food but didn't really eat it at all. I wasn't hungry. I was worried.

It felt like people where avoiding me, nobody would meet my stare. People who had been my friends just a few months ago now looked at me like I am a ghost.

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