Flourish and Blotts(two months prior)

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Chapter Three

Flourish and Blotts

"Harry! Harry! Over here!" Hermione called down the white steps of the wizarding bank, Gringotts. She ran down the street to the boy, her bushy brown hair flying behind her.

"What happened to your glasses? Oh it's wonderful to see you again-- Are you coming into Gringotts, Harry?" she said it all in a rush that not even I could keep up with my sister.

"As soon as I find the Weasleys." said the boy, Harry.

"OH you wont have to look long." Hermione informs. Harry and I turn to see a family of tall, lanky red heads running our way.

"Harry," the red-haired man panted, "we hoped you'd only gone one grate too far..." He mopped his glistening bald patch. "Molly's frantic--she's coming now--"

"Where did you come out?" the youngest boy asks.

"Some place called Knockturn Alley." Harry said grimly.

"Excellent!" the two twins in the red-haired family said together.

"We've never been allowed in." the youngest said enviously. I clear my throat awkwardly and wait for somebody to notice me.

"Oh hello..." Harry said.

"Oh goodness! Guys, this is my little sister Piper, she is starting at Hogwarts. Piper this is Harry and Ron, my best friends, Percy, Fred and George, and Mr. Weasley. And my Mum and Dad." Hermione introduces everybody.

"Hello." Fred Weasley smiles mischievously at me.

"Hello..." I can feel a small little bit of red tinting my cheeks even though he was to be at least three years older than me.

Just then a plump little red haired-lady comes bustling up to us. A girl my age is just barely managing to keep hold of her mother's hand. Mrs. Weasley is introduced and so is her daughter Ginny. The Mrs. Weasley turns to Harry.

"Oh Harry-- Oh my dear-- You could have been anywhere--" she pulls a brush out of her bag and brushes soot off of Harry's robes.

"Guess who I saw at Borgin and Burkes?" Harry asked Ron and Hermione as they climbed the steps of Gringotts.

I found the conversation boring so I zoned out and made small talk with Ginny.

Hours later as they all pushed to get through to Flourish and Blotts I noticed a sign out side that red


will be signing copies of his autobiography

Magical Me

today 12:30 p.m to 4:30 p.m

"We can actually meet him!" Hermione squeals. "I mean, he has written nearly the whole of the booklist!"

Most of the people in the crowd seemed to be witches around Mrs. Weasley's age.. As they pushed their way through Mrs. Weasley became breathless and kept patting her hair. "We'll be able to see him in a minute." she said.

Gilderoy Lockhart slowly came into view. He was seated at a large table surrounded by moving pictures of himself. Talk about self centered. He is in sun in the middle of a solar system made all out of him. Every planet and moon circling is him, going right around him.

There was a small, irritable man dancing around with a big black camera, emitting puffs of purple smoke with every blinding light.

"Out of the boy!" the photographer said to Ron as he pushed past, "This is for the Dailey Prophet!"

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