New Start

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*Months have passed since the incident with Angela. Everyone has left that in the past and have a fresh start*

Angela's POV: I left all my incidents in my past. I've become a new woman. Bill and I have got a complete relationship and am planning on making more plans with each other. I have helped with the Bill's band some as a background singer and have been in a few photoshoots with them. I've become a swimsuit model. Bill really enjoys coming to my runways. Leana has adopted a 4 year old boy, and Abby got us a cat as our pet. Bill has met my parents since they came out to see me. I walk downstairs and sit on Bill's knee as he watched their recent interview on his computer. "Good morning, babe," Bill says as he kisses my neck gently. His hand caressed my hip, and I kissed him back. "What do you want for breakfast?" I ask. "You," he laughed. I roll my eyes and kiss him. "You literally eat me every day, basically!" I laughed. He smiles and nods with a smirk forming.  I raise a brow and stand back up. "I'll make waffles," I say, walking off to the kitchen. "I'll help," Bill requested, and he followed me to the kitchen. I made the waffles, and he made the eggs with sausage. I fixed our plates, and we ate. Bill watched my every move with joy and pleasure. I wasn't the person to like to have eyes on me 24/7, but Bill, he can. He's mine, and I'm his now. I noticed Bill got his hair in the syrup, I used my hair tie to tie it back. He looked so innocent and cute. Bill seems innocent and sweet at concerts and meets and greats and interviews. When he's at home, and I'm home with him. It's game on. Constantly kissing and butt grabbing, admiring hands, making love in bed, or on the couch. It's a non-stop thing, but I'm not complaining. "What's on your mind?" Bill asked, rubbing my knee. "Oh! Uh! Nothing, just thinking about maybe moving to our own house and getting an even newer start...?" I explained. Bill just smiles and pets my cheek. "We will try, I'll get us a good home!" He exclaimed. I smile with enjoyment. I've been honestly wanting a baby, Bill might not, so I haven't opened up to him about it. I'm just scared that I won't be fertile and I can't get pregnant. Like the last time, but who said trying again was bad? Not me! I wash the dishes as Bill makes our bed. Once I finish the dishes, I sit down in my room on the foot stool and brush my hair. I did my mascara and put on some lip balm. I didn't change my clothes. "Looking good," Bill smirks as he walks out of the bathroom in a towel. I turned to him and smiled. He bites his lip and walks over to me, "Hey babe?" He whispered into my ear. "Huh?" I replied. "What's really on your mind?" He asked. I look down at my hands, "I was thinking about the moving houses deal, and, and maybe a baby....." I shyly state. Bill hugs my waist from behind and picks me up. He lays me on the bed and lays down beside me. "Are you sure? Won't it hurt you?" He asked, full of worry. I just shrugged. Bill pulls me to his chest and kisses my forehead, "We'll try, how about that!?" He smiles into my hair. I sit up, eyes full of happy tears. "R-Really?" I ask, trying not to cry. He nods and wipes my eyes. "Anything that makes you happy, I will provide," Bill states. I hug him around the neck and cry some. He laughed softly and stood up to put clothes on. Once he does, he picks me up, kola style, and spins me around the room. "You're too cute," I say. He smirks and raises a brow. His brow piercing glimmerd in the sunlight. "You're too pretty," Bill remarks. I lay my head on his shoulder and sway with his body. I noticed, for the first time, that his nails weren't painted. "YOUR NAILS! THEYRE NOT PAINTED!" I say with shock. He laughed and sat me down on the bed. "I didn't have time," he laughs. "I'll do them, I have black polish!" I exclaimed, running to my vanity for the nail polish. I sit almost on Bill's knee and begin painting his nails black, with a blue hint under the black. He watches and smiles. "I'll do your hair," he said. He kisses my lips gently as his nails dry. Once they dried, Bill picked up his brush, my brush, hair ties, and some hair clips. He brushes my hair, kissing my neck as he does. "Your hair is extremely long," he said. I nod. Then I watch him in the mirror, use a hair tie, and do my hair, half up and half down. He made the ends curly and used the cute black sparkly hair clips to hold the sides down. "You did great! WOW!" I say, looking in the mirror. "I'm thinking about getting dreads for a change," Bill says out of the blue. I turn to him in shock and a little fear. "BUT I LOVE YOUR HAIR!" I fake cry some to make him laugh, "It's your hair, not mine, do what you want!" I say. He smiles and grips my hips with ease. "Will you like them?" He asked. I nod with reassurance.

Bill's POV: I watched my future wife smile and be my next chapter. I haven't planned out anything special yet. After I get my dreads, though, then I will. I watched her smile light up the room. Her beautiful eyes lock into mine. Crazy to think I used to hate this girl, and now I want to marry her! Life has its ways, and it's made my life better. Her cheeks were rosy, and her soft plump lips lured me to them. I kissed her passionately and hard. I let my tongue enter her mouth and trace the lines of her lips. Her tongue slid along my teeth. "Bill," she chuckled in the kiss. Her chuckles are soft and sweet, just like her. "Yes?" I say, letting her breathe. "Nevwr mind, I forgot," she smiled and pulled me back for another kiss. My hands trailed up her waist, my fingers twisting around hers. "You're too cute," I whisper into her ear. She chuckles.

*Bill gets his dreads, and He and Angela are going out*

Angela's POV: Bill was taking me out for a romantic dinner to a place near the beach side. His dreads really wowed me. His face looked so sculpted, and his demeanor had changed. He's acting strange. He seems happy, though. He sits me down on a chair and sits in front of me. "This place good?" He asks with a smile. "It's wonderful," I smile. His dark but yet charming eyes bored a hole into my lips, his eyes never left my eyes or lips, until the waiter brought our food. We ate and then took a walk down the beach. Bill let go of my hand, he said he hand something to do, I walked on until he wasn't following me. I turn around and see him on one knee. "Angela?" He asks with a happy and serious tone. "Will you marry me?" Bill asks with a huge grin. I tear up a little, "YES!" I yell as I run to him. He gathers me up in his arms. His nose nuzzled my neck. "Thank you," he says. I nod and kiss him. My life was now complete! I'm engaged to a man of my dreams! I run down the edge of the shoreline, my feet splashing in the ocean water. I saw Bill, the moonlight lighting up his gorgeous face. He ran towards me and picked me up. He spun me around. "I love you, Bill," I say. "I love you too, Angela Kaulitz," Bill smiles and kisses me.

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