The Fate of Samael

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Gabriel: God did not tell us of your true origin. In the absence of his word, we believed you to be a making by His self. But now he hath given the archangels the truth. You are Lucifer. You are Satan. You are Samael.

Samael: I shall not lie, brother. I've felt a connection to Lucifer since I first became conscious. And I believe he feels the same with me. It is true that since I came into being, Lucifer has become different. I've seen energies forming around and within him, including his wrath. This... Satan, I've heard it called. I dare say if it becomes powerful enough, it may split from him and become a whole new angel. I suppose that's how I came to be. 

Gabriel: It would seem that is so.

Samael: I suppose you have come to detain me. I will not resist you.

Gabriel: No, Samael. I have not come to take you. I've come to deliver unto you. A message from the Lord is what I possess. 

Samael: A message?

Gabriel: Lucifer has called upon some other angels to gather around him. A third of us angels have followed. But one has come back to the authority of God and spoketh of what he heard. It is rebellion.

Samael: Then it's true. Lucifer has been scheming to overthrow God. 

Gabriel: So it is. I, as God's messenger, bring you his proposal. I hath been commanded to first list your great sins. 

Samael: I understand, brother. 

Gabriel: You have been cordial with Lucifer, even when he has spoken unsettling words that insult our Lord. You've been a guest with him when he has called on you before. Explain yourself.

Samael: I admit it. I have. I admit it to the Lord that I still feel a sense of comradery with him. That I do not wholly loathe his talk and his plans. But I still wish to serve God. Even if that means defying Lucifer.

Gabriel: And so it is. Despite your friendship with Lucifer, you ignored his call on these other angels to listen to him this day. You have allowed yourself to be confronted by I, the voice of God. So you may yet speak the truth. However, you hath been tempted by the failed wife of Adam despite God's wishes that she not find love. How can we trust you not to be swayed by Lucifer or his rebels to join with them again. Perhaps with false promises of raising her from her prison. 

Samael: I admit this. I was tempted. And I admit to the good Lord that I still feel guilt in my heart. I still feel... love. But I still insist that I will put these aside to serve God. 

Gabriel: And so it is. You carried out his will in Eden. Now the temptress lies in wait in what God has proclaimed to be this rebellion's punishment. This punishment may be waived for you. For the Lord has a command.

Samael: What further orders does the Lord have for me?

Gabriel: You have been confronted with your sins, and you have answered true. Now you are to be trusted to carry out the will of the Lord again. God wishes two things of you, brother. Firstly, you must come with me to meet with Michael. God has ordered he amass a host to fend off Lucifer's rebellion.

Samael: I will do this, brother! I will! 

Gabriel: And the second... God understands your attraction to the failed woman is, as of now, not wavering. He demands that you make a sacrifice. 

Samael: What must I do for the Lord? What must I sacrifice? 

Gabriel: Within each of us is a piece of the Lord, our Father. We too have an ability to create. However, God demands that you forfeit this power. You must sever that which allows you to make. 

Samael: If that is what God desires, I will do so. How will I carry out his will? 

Gabriel: You shall take this holy blade. 

Gabriel manifested a curved knife in his hand and held it out in his open palm to Samael. 

Gabriel: You shall take the full form of man. You shall have all the features that Adam possesses. This includes his loins, with which God plans to allow him to expand humankind along with his love, the mother of humanity. The Queen of Eden. 

Samael: I will, brother. I will do this. 

Samael focused his energy into altering his physical form. The tool of man emerged between his legs. 

Gabriel: And now, brother, you must sever the tool for creation. And with your symbolic sacrifice, God will see it become reality.

Samael took the knife from Gabriel. He stared at the shining silver blade. Many thoughts ran through his mind.

Samael: Is it God's will that I experience... pain? Will this act hurt? 

Gabriel: God intends for all the rebels to feel pain in their punishment. Your sacrifice is a punishment, but also a liberation. With this one moment of pain, you shall never feel it again. God will not allow his faithful to feel it. Think of the pain as your final test to prove yourself as such a servant of the Lord.

Samael: If this is what must be done...

Samael readied the blade to his groin. 

Samael: For YHWH. 

Gabriel: For YHWH.

Lucifer marched on with his rebel army. He felt mighty and just as he led his troops against their Father. He could feel the power of the throne of Heaven already. Not one thought of strategy lived in his mind. His pride blinded him to all obstacles, including a great cliff with a grand light beyond. One that had not been here before. Lucifer scoffed at the sight. Was this cliff the best the almighty God could muster to stop him? That strange yet majestic light grew brighter. The sound of footsteps and flapping wings could be heard. Lucifer halted his band. He wanted to see what pitiful force God would meet him with.

Up upon the cliff stepped forward the Archangel Michael. Behind him stepped Gabriel. And behind them both marched the new Heavenly Host. Samael, his armor gleaming and sword sharp, stood proud before his cohort, and bore the banner of the Lord.

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