[03] Heterochromatic

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[DAILY TASK: Do 100 push-ups.]

"This again," you sighed. "Are all my daily tasks going to be related to training my body? Won't I ever get a task like, I don't know, buying a cup of coffee or something?"

["That wouldn't be much of a task, would it? And 100 push-ups is definitely manageable. You don't have to do them all in one sitting. Just within a twenty-four-hour period. For the most part, your daily tasks will consist of strengthening your body. This is beneficial to you, anyhow. You'll need to train up your body if you want your skill points to actually pay off."]

"I still don't really get why I need to do this, though. I'm not trying to become a professional athlete or anything... am I?" you asked warily.

["No, not an athlete. But you are going to have to become a hero."]

"Ah, okay."

You took a bite out of your sandwich, nearly choking in the process.

"Wait, what?!"

Even though the system couldn't talk, you were starting to get better at pinpointing how they felt about you, and right now, they were probably annoyed.

["It's a good thing. It's the best way to be close to your targets. Most of them want to become heroes as well, so this will provide you with more opportunities to be around them. Besides, you seemed to like the idea of heroes. They're people that save others. What's the issue?"]

You chugged a glass of water, then paused to take in a gulp of air. "There's a difference between admiring a person and wanting to be like that person!" you spluttered. "Don't these heroes actively risk their lives? I-I'm really not sure I'm cut out for something like that. And you said that earning skill points will make me stronger, but there still wouldn't be any drastic changes at the beginning. With the way I am right now, there's no way I'm strong enough..."

["You'll get stronger. That's exactly why you're training. You should probably pick up a few weapons eventually, but I thought I'd give you time to settle into everything before unloading all of that on you. There's no need to freak out. You have plenty of time to become a hero. It's not the sort of thing that'll happen overnight, and you've got almost a full year before U.A's entrance exam anyways."]

"U.A?" you blinked. "What is that supposed to be?"

["The most prestigious hero school there is. Even All Might, the strongest hero in the world, studied there. You're bound to meet plenty of aspiring young heroes once you get there. But like I said, it's not going to happen right away, so don't stress yourself out over it."]

You lowered your gaze to the ground. "Even so... I don't know about this. Izuku was saying that he idolizes heroes because they're so brave while rescuing people from disasters or fending off villains. It sounds like the kind of job where you have to put your life on the line. If I'm not strong enough, I could actually die. It's a scary thought."

The house was eerily quiet. Even more so because it was so empty.

Finally, the system chimed in again.

["It's not like you have a choice."]

The writing on the projection made goosebumps rise to your skin. You'd never realized that it was possible for someone-or something, actually-to be so intimidating without ever voicing a single word.

You knew exactly what they were getting at. If you didn't do as you were told, you were going back inside that lifeless void again.

"I'm sorry," you mumbled hoarsely. Fuck. You hated this. How were you supposed to live your life while being threatened every other moment? Were you really not allowed to have any will of your own? This was making you lose your mind.

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