★warm welcome home ch. 2★

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...Nothing but the feeling of falling to the cold ground with a thud accompanied by the feeling of slowly losing consciousness was the last thing Scrubpai remembered. The last thing they saw was the red hooded stranger, staring right down at them with a smirk.

Scrubpai went out cold, noises of the city faded away completely. They never made it home that day...
"... Ugh... wh..What?" Scrubpai woke up with a throbbing head, their left eye was swollen half shut in a dark hue of purple, almost black. They slowly got up from the musty blue couch they were laid on, all of their belongings gone and their vision still blurry. "God.. Where am i?" Scrubpai questioned, looking around the dimly lit room with a single light in the middle of the somewhat small room, with a large colorful rug on the ground, dust collected everywhere.

The only thing in the room was a couple of wooden crates near a door, stacked upon one another. A small table with a single chair was placed in front of a window right in front of the couch Scrubpai sat on, the windows boarded up with thick planks of dark wood. Even through the small cracks of light that shine through the boards of wood, Scrubpai could tell that it was night now. "How long was I out for..?"

Footsteps ushered Scrubpai quiet, the door burst open with a red hooded stranger standing on the door frame, Scrubpai immediately recognized him as the stalker in the park, but they didn't dare usher a word. The stranger walked towards the table, shutting the door closed with a loud slam and then sitting down on the chair, kicking a foot up on the table and kicking a bat Scrubpai hadn't noticed before right in their hand.

A rather extravagant introduction for such a peculiar person.

The red hooded stranger looked towards Scrubpai, giving them a nasty stink eye, those eyes of a gray and bright red piercing right through Scrubpai's very soul. After a small moment of silence, the stranger, who looked to be around 17, spoke up. "so... "

(Heads up, i don't actually know Pedro's age, so i'll be making stuff up, let's just say both MC and pedro are 17)

"... You know, at first i thought you were just a passerby, but then i realized...'' The stranger pointed the tip of the bat towards Scrubpai, glaring at them coldly as he looked them up and down, leaning back slightly on the chair. "Why are you following me?" They asked, leaving Scrubpai bamboozled. "I wasn't following you! What does that mean? And who the hell are you!?"

"Oh, you don't have to justify yourself, because I already know you're one of them. Let's save time and get to the point." The stranger's voice grew harsher, more inpatient, and more demanding of Scrubpai, demanding for answers. "My name is Pedro, which I think you already know. you're here because you're stupid enough to follow me. I know you're one of them, so don't dodge the question." He looked over at Scrubpai, making direct eye contact.

"Why. Did you. Follow. Me?" Their tone was more demanding now, leaving Scrubpai a bit more scared for what was to come. "Y-you must have confused me with someone else..." Scrubpai tried to reason with them, but it seemed the stranger wasn't going to give in so easily.

"Confused? So it wasn't you I saw behind me every step of the way of the park?" They gave a questioning look to Scrubpai, giving them the hope that they could convince him. That wasn't until he spoke up again, only harsher. "You think I'm an idiot? Tell me everything in a good way." Scrubpai grew worried.

"Why did you kidnap me? I'm the one who should be asking the questions here!" Scrubpai tried to defend themselves, only to be dismissed by the red hooded kidnaper. "Ha! Don't try to scare me. Your friends aren't here, and I'm not as simple as you think."

"But i-" Scrubai was dismissed once more. "That's enough, you're boring me. You're gonna have to sit here until you get wise. Next time, I hope you are more cooperative." The red hooded kidnaper stood up from the chair, bat in hand. They walked towards the door, Scrubpai watched was they walk through before shutting it closed. Despite seeing how Pedro had shut the door, Scrubpai still headed over to it, hoping to be able to open it.

They rushed over, tugging and twisting on the handle, only to have it locked shut. "Of course he locked the door..." Scrubpai muttered, distress took over in Scrubpais mind, and they looked around for a way out, they soon spotted the wooden crates stacked upon one another, holding up a loose piece of ceiling. "Strange..." Scrubpai thought, however curiosity got the best of them and they pushed over the boxes, revealing a plank allowing them to go into the shacks' attic.

The attic was incredibly dusty, much more dim compared to the first floor of the small building, with more crated and a large dresser that was put away in the attic. Scrubpai approached it and immediately tried to open it, it was a bit hard to jam it open, but they managed to open up the doors before a roach crawled on their hand. "GAH!!" Panicked, and totally grossed out, they flicked their hand and bumped into the dresser, knocking it over and sending it crashing down. Literally.

The dresser broke a large hole in the attic floor, making another on the first floor below it. "God, I hope that dude didn't hear that...Hmph!" Scrubpai jumped down, safely landing on their feet atop the dresser. It would've been cooler if the doors of the dresser had not also broken open, making them fall through and land roughly on dirt and filth. Scrubpai coughed away powdery dirt, patting away their work uniform from filth and looking around what seemed to be a cave. "Am I underground or something?"

Scrubpai stood up, leaving the shack and making their way past the entrance of the cave, moonlight shining their way to the outside. "That was easy...almost... too easy." Scrubpai was stopped in her tracks by a hand grabbing on their shoulder, their head whipped around and there was the familiar red hooded stranger, Pedro. "OH MY-" "HEY! HOW'D YOU GET OUT!?"

Scrubpai and Pedro shouted at once, it seemed that he had heard the crash from the wardrobe, and Scrubpai was caught. In a very quick blur of a moment, Scrubpai attempted to push away Pedro, just as he was about to swing his bat at them. In the moment of chaos, Scrubpai pushed away Pedro's bat, knocking it out of his hand, and Pedro tripped over, both landing on the ground.

Both struggled to dominate the situation, Scrubpai desperate to escape from Pedro's thigh grasp. "Let go of me!" "You stop squirming!" "You stop grabbing me so tightly!" "You-" Scrubpai hit Pedro right in the face, getting back at him for their black eye, and it also gave them the opportunity to squirm away.

Scrubpai ran as fast as they could, disappearing from Pedros sight.

waslorp gamerz!!
Bored so heres pt 2!!

1141 words!!!

Gonna change up the story a bit to my liking, but other wise, here ya go! Trying to be as cannon as possible so meh.

Anygay, have a nice night/day!!

★Angry Boy Pedro × Scrubpai★Where stories live. Discover now