★The start of a escape ch.3★

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Before the story starts, i just wanna say sorry for not uploading this silly book in so long!!1!1!!
My history teacher got us writing a 1200 5 page essay that im NOT trying to fail!!!! Also lack of motivation lmfaoooooo...

but anygay...here you are..!


Scrubpai was terrified, being captured and taken away from their home, forced upon this mysterious red hooded stranger, how could this get any worse? Scrubpai scattered along a steep hill just where the trail leading outside the cave they escaped from led them, rushing across a makeshift soccer field and stumbling upon a tree house.

The tree house was on a large, beautiful tree, leaves rustled along the wind and created a more peaceful look to it. There were some crates along the trees thick roots, although the place looked neglected, it seemed stable enough to hide in from the red hooded boy, Pedro.

Scrubpai noticed the tree houses ladder was completely broken apart, making panic rush in their mind faster. The thought of the red hooded boy chasing after them and catching them again, it wasn't something they wanted. "Hurry... Hurry..... Hurry!"

Desperate of coming up with a way up the tree house, Scrubpai grabbed the torn apart ladder and broke it even more apart, tearing away the thick rope from wooden planks and stacking them against some crates, across tall standing pillars and towards the small porch of the tree house.

Climbing up was rough, Scrubpai was deadly terrified of heights, and splinters stabbed along their fingers as they balanced themselves along the thin path from creaky wood. With only bare moonlight to aid their blurry vision from a swollen eye, it was only one mess up to crash down to the ground.

After finally reaching the end goal, stepping foot on the small porch of the tree house, Scrubpai could finally breathe normally again, adrenaline calming down. "Phew! Fuck was I anxious.. " a few steps in the tree house and it was enough to bring a sense of security to Scrubpais mind.

The tree house was a bit dusty, definitely in need of a sweeping, but with only a small table, a red chair, and a window showed just how neglected this place was. A small lantern sat on the table, prompting Scrubpai to light it on, the warm orangish yellowish glow lighting up the whole tree house. Scrubpai immediately spotted a stack full of papers, all of them having colorful drawings on them, the one that caught Scrubpais attention the most, was a drawing of two stick figures.

The stick figures were smiling together, hands held and all wholesome like. But, something was awfully wrong, one of the stick figures faces was blurred off, wax from the crayons being smeared together, leaving only a red hooded stick figure to be on the sheet of paper. Scrubpai felt something was off, and it couldn't be good.

✧༺Pedro POV༻✧

The stranger had gotten away, the only evidence of him ever being with them being a throbbing pain on Pedro's face, a light red mark on his face from their attack. "Stupid brat... " by the time Pedro had gotten up and dusted himself off, the person was gone, no sign of the dressed "stalker" anywhere.

He walked around a bit, wondering If what he'd done was appropriate for what the stranger claimed, walking up the very same trail that led him to a not so oftenly used soccer field. It was a stressful day, and Pedro needed a distraction, so, without anything else to do, he kicked around the soccer ball for a bit.

Small kicks turned into complex tricks that he'd hone to perfection, helping ease his mind. He kicked around the ball for a while now, small huffled laughter and grunts emitted from him as he continued to burn away stress, sweat trickling down his back and forehead. He'd almost forgotten about the stranger dressed in work attire, Until the ball and shot out towards the old tree house, making an ache in Pedro's chest grow as he recalled memories from that very tree house.

The bright light that stood out as compared to the dull shine of the moon at night immediately traced his eyes towards the entrance of the house, spotting a silhouette of someone that shouldn't be there. Pedro panicked, rushing towards the tree house, the adrenaline from having kicked the ball around already giving him the speed necessary to reach it as fast as possible.

The only thing Pedro needed now was a stranger invading his privacy, along with wrecking his home.

He climbed up the track made by whoever had been up there, almost slipping on his own foot once or twice. He got quieter the more he approached the entrance of the tree house, hoping to catch whoever was there in the act. After almost falling over a couple of times, Pedro had thought he'd given away his position, but he luckily ended up managing to reach the tree house's porch in time to attempt to catch the stranger.

He crept up to the entrance, missing a door, hiding to the side and grabbing his bat from behind his back. His bat was strapped on by a belt he's designed himself, and as he took a deep breath, he gripped the handle tightly and prepared himself for a fight.


Sorry for not uploading my usual 1000 word goal, but in tired...sooooooo

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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