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𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:


CHRIS|| So Kreshai came to the house waking everybody up and I mean like she didn't care about the fighting or anything she wanted to have a house meeting and everything so she was going in people's rooms waking them up and shit she even got the pots and stuff but the only person that didn't wake up was Samaje but she just let her stay sleep cause she heard a little bit about what happened last night.

KRESHAI|| Last night I heard that two girls jumped Samaje and I'll like damn it's only been a couple of days that this girl has been in the house she don't pick with anybody she cares about people so why the fuck would they jump her but She didn't wake up at all when I was doing all the banging pots and shit so I let her stay sleep cause I knew she needed it cause she was the only person in the house that was fighting last night.

Samaje woke up looking around seeing Debo and Nia not in the room anymore she stretched letting out a string of cuss words as she looked down at her knuckles seeing they were bruised but her pointer finger hurt the most.

"You woke! Hi, mommas" The girl smiled at Kreshai as she came into the room Samaje stood up hugging her as she hugged her back "Hey Ke" they pulled away from each other.

Kreshai shook her head sighing "So looks like you've been fighting all night I seen" she said motioning to Samaje's legs the girl looked down seeing a big ass bruise on her leg right along with a few scratches on her knees.

"It was crazy as hell I'll tell you that" she laughed as they made their way out of the room into Angel's and Lena's room "The sleeping beauty has woken up everybody!" Kreshai yelled so everyone could hear her and Samaje just shook her head laughing at her.

"Maje!!!" Angel shouted happily running towards her the girl smiled as her friend pulled her into a hug pulling back "We gonna fuck those hoes up I swear to god" Angel told her mad that she wasn't there to help her.

Samaje smiled at her as she walked more up into the room Chris got up and walked over to her pulling her into a hug "I'm sorry" he apologized she pulled away from him confused "What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything" she told him.

He groaned shaking his head "I felt like you getting jumped was all my fault cause the only reason why you fought was because of me" He explained but she smacked her lips right along with everyone else in the room.

"Chris I fought her cause she was being disrespectful to you and I did that cause I chose to do it me getting jumped had nothing to do with you her friend only jumped in cause her friend was getting her ass tagged so don't sit here and say you feel like it's your fault when it's not imma forever ride for any of y'all I'm cool with cause that's just how I am" She told him he smiled giving her another hug.

"And that's on period okay!" Lena clapped making everybody laugh at her Samaje walked over sitting beside Angel on the bed as they talked about last night.

"When Christian called me this morning she FaceTimed me I was like wassup" Angel was trying to explain why she was there but Lena cut her off "This bitch just texted me" Samaje raised her eyebrow climbing over Angel to sit in between her and lena to see Lena's phone.

"She talking about some they fought last night and someone jumped Samaje I was like what?!? I got up and called Manny I said where y'all at? I looked at y'all stories and I'm like what the fuck and I came straight over here" Angel finished explaining how she found out.

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