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𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

Something told Samaje to open her eyes to go see what was going on she got up rubbing her temples trying to get the pounding to calm down a bit "God help me a bitch can't get no sleep damn" She muttered to herself she got up off the bed walking out the room.

She made her way downstairs hearing yelling once she got halfway down the steps she seen Lena getting held by Ida on the wall as she yelled at someone Samaje turned her head to see Brooklyn looking up at her so she went down the rest of the steps.

"What happened now?" She asked her friend who just shook her head sighing "Lena and Angel fought like what three times now" Brooklyn told her Samaje laughed "I know our girl Angel won so I'm not even gonna ask who one cause Lena ass cannot fight at all" Brooklyn just chuckled.

"And if you want it again you can get it too!" Lena yelled making Samaje look her way seeing her staring at her as Ida told her to chill out "You don't want it again Lena so just shut the fuck up please damn you're not tired from getting your ass beat all night? Cause If I was you I would just shut up".

Lena started to get more mad as Samaje just waved her off "Bitch! You didn't do anything to me at all what the fuck! Ida move damn!" She yelled samaje just mocked her finding the shit funny "But your eyebrow busted and your nose was just leaking bitch better be lucky they put your face in the camera afterward cause you look like a clown" Samaje told her "Bitch fuck youuuu!!!! And that deadass baby how about that bitch!".

It was like the world stopped at that moment Lena's words repeated in Samaje's head she didn't even think twice before pushing brooklyn out of her way running up on Lena hitting her into the wall swinging her to the floor by her hair before she started to punch her and kick her not caring about anything.

"Samaje! Okay, Samaje stop!!!!" Ida yelled trying to pull the girl away from Lena who was on the ground screaming for someone to get Samaje away from her but Samaje ignored them the only thing she saw was red.

Everyone that was outside ran in seeing Samaje fighting Lena while Ida tried to pull her away "Samaje! Aye aye! Stop!" Manny shouted ass security ran over trying to break it up "Samaje! Stop and let her shirt go!" One of the security guards yelled but she was mad.

"No, I swear to god! I'm gonna kill this bitch! Let me go!" Samaje screamed as security pulled them apart but Samaje kept trying to get out of his hold trying to kick off the wall "Samaje stop! Samaje!" Debo tried to say to her but she didn't care.

"Stop talking to me! Let me go! I swear to god I'm gonna kill that hoe! Let me the fuck gooooo!!!!!" She cried clapping her hands together.

Lena was holding her nose as blood gushed out of it "What the fuck happened?" Eli asked Ida and Brooklyn since they were the only two inside with them before the fight broke out "She told samaje fuck her and her dead baby" Brooklyn told him which everyone heard they all were confused and shocked.

"What the fuck?! Lena said that?" Terry asked making Brooklyn and Ida nod their heads "Wait samaje had a baby?" Cam questioned everyone looked over at Debo, Angel, and Brooklyn "I don't know anything about shit" Debo said putting his hands up they all turned to look at Brooklyn and Angel who just shook their head.

"It's not my business to tell if Samaje tells you she tells you I can't say anything about it ask her y'all selves," Angel told them and Brooklyn agreed.

𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑮𝑨𝑳𝑶𝑹𝑬•𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛 𝙲𝚒𝚝𝚢Where stories live. Discover now