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𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

Samaje was sitting down on TJ's lap as he sat on the ground with his arm around her waist and his chin on her shoulder "Look who we have here" Manny said as he put the camera in both of their faces "Hey y'all" Samaje waved tiredly.

"How y'all feeling now that it's dark?" Manny asked "I don't feel no way her little ass wanna go to sleep and shit but scared to go in the tent by herself cause it's "too dark" that's what she kept whining about" TJ answered making The girl roll her eyes.

"Okay first off not too much on me," She told him as Manny moved away from them "Do y'all want s'mores?" Cha cha asked coming up to the two which they nodded their head.

Samaje stood up before turning around grabbing TJ's hand and pulling him up a bit as they made they over to the table to get their stuff to make their s'mores.


"They ass playing around with my top and I'm not going," Samaje said as walked away with Dae Dae as everybody kept saying they saw someone running "Yeah they ass tweaking not gonna lie".

That's when they heard everyone yelling making the run towards them seeing Nia with a white dress on with blood stains "Yeah y'all got me fucked all the way up unt unt" Samaje said shaking her head as the girl kept walking ignoring everyone saying her name.

"That girl is tripping," Cha Cha told Samaje as they walked away from Nia "No for real" as they kept walking over towards everybody else that went back to sitting at the tables.

That's until she heard Cha Cha screaming and everyone turned around to see someone in a mask with a bat chasing after them "OH FUCK NO WHAT THE FUCK!" Samaje screamed as they all took off running.

Samaje ran off not noticing she ran the wrong way from everybody else which she didn't care "Oh dear god I don't know why the fuck they playing with me on this day I swear for god someone gonna get fucked up" She said to herself as she hid behind the tree.

She heard ruffling making her hold her breath trying to be quiet "I gotchu!" The person with the mask stepped out making the girl scream and run away "WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" Samaje yelled as she ran with the guy following behind her.

She wasn't watching where she was going making her stumble over a broken branch falling to the ground "Please please" she cried as she tried to move her leg but winced she turned to see him walking up to her.

Samaje covered her face as she cried "Samaje Samaje it's a prank!" She looked up at Pieron as he pulled her hands away revealing himself "Bitch I hate you, Nia and Manny fucker" She snapped pushing his hand away as he laughed she stood up dusting her hands off which were scraped.

"Awww were sorry" He tried to say but she pushed him as she limped her way towards where everyone was "Oh there go Samaje!" Brooklyn said pointing at the girl who made her way over pissed.

"Nia bitch Imma fuck you up and you up" She threatened pointing over at the girl and Manny "What happened?" TJ asked as he came up to her seeing dirt on her legs clothes and arms "Pieron ass wanna chase after me and shit and I ended up falling over a branch and scraped my hands and knee" She told him as she winced wiping more dirt off her legs.

"Yeah her little ass fast as fuck I keep forgetting she did track and shit," Pieron said as he made his way over to the table to go sit down "Yeah yeah next time imma just turn, and trip yo ass," She told him as TJ helped her over towards the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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