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SAMAJE|| So once me and TJ made it to the house cause we had to get a new bnb or whatever we were met with Brooklyn who told me that Debo was complaining I guess to some of the boys in the house about the date with me and TJ and that he didn't want to talk to me which I already knew or whatever so anyways fast forward I went upstairs and I was like walking past a room and in the room was like Cam and the rest of the boys so Nunu I think...yeah Nunu he called me into the room and TJ was right behind me so we both went into the room and Jacob had asked where we did we go for the date and we told them we went to the outlet and stuff.

CAM|| You could feel the tension in the room when Samaje came in there with like her and Debo cause the nigga was saying earlier that when she come back he don't wanna talk to her or whatever cause he feeling some type of way about her and TJ which okay cool that's her ex but Debo knew this nigga was coming on the show so it's like we all signed up for something that we all agreed to do but I think Samaje had said something to Debo about wanting to talk but he had said no and then she said something about him being childish for not wanting to talk to her and then like after that I don't know what happened but they just started arguing.

NUNU|| Samaje and fucking Debo ass they get to arguing cause Samaje wanted to have a talk with him but Debo said no cause he was pissed off about her and TJ so she called him childish and Debo got mad at that so they started going at it and like all the boys Me, Jacob, Chris, Cam, KJ and TJ oh yeah! And the new dude Juan we all just sitting there not knowing what to do cause like we didn't even know what to say.

"I just don't understand why the fuck you always make shit that's so fucking small and big! Yo ass always wanna do this childish ass shit and then apologize after you realize the shit you do like come on bro" Samaje snapped Debo shook his head standing up from the bed as KJ, Cam, and TJ stood up just in case "Samaje! You act like your innocent and you be doing shit too come on! You need to stop that shit like deadass bruh".

Samaje made a face at him "What the fuck do I be doing?! I don't do shit but let so much shit slide with you all the time! Every! Fucking! Time! I gotta let shit go but does that mean I forget what you did? No! Every time I just let you get away with shit and then you apologize every day saying the same shit and I forgive you cause I really fuck with you a lot but stop hurting me like deadass! Stop fucking hurting me! Cause you know how much I actually care and love for you! Just stop fucking hurting me for real cause I can't keep doing this with you" Samaje clapped her hands with each statement her voice cracking towards the end.

"Maje come on calm down," Nadia said rubbing the girl's back as the tears she tried to blink away fell down her cheeks "It's like every day I let you get away with so much and I'm the type of girl that never lets a nigga do this but with you I let you get away with so much so fucking much because I actually have deep feelings for you but it's like you're taking advantage of that but when I do something it's a big ass problem when the shit is literally so small but you don't care you're just gonna keep on hurting me," Samaje told him before walking away out the room.

Nadia just shook her head at Debo as she followed after the girl "Bruh what the fuck just happened that fucking quick?" Nia asked as she looked around the room at the boys "Too much is what happened" Cam answered before sitting back down on the pullout bed.

"I'm finna go check on Samaje with Nadia," KJ said before walking out of the room to go find the two girls.


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