7. distant memory i used to know

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Quickly switching to the main channel once more, you go to report the status of your target, when black consumes your vision.

Pain sparks in the back of your head, your head unnaturally twisting to the side as you fall to your knees, forehead colliding with the harsh concrete as all of the oxygen within your lungs leaves you in one thick swoop.

"Sweetheart?! Sweetheart, what's your status?!" You can hear Price barking out through the comms, but all you can see, hear, feel, is the sparks in the darkness behind your eyes, the cool, rocky surface of the ground on which you lay. That, and the all-consuming ache your body's become.

Your hand claws at the floor, an attempt to right yourself, but the very new feeling of a boot's sole presses against your skull, crushing your cheek between it and the rocks.

"Now it's clear why you got Colonel," a nasty, nasally voice spits out from above you. Above? Beneath? You can't tell, not with the world spinning, not with everything within you falling apart at the seams. "Thanks for confirming what we all knew."

Even with your centre of gravity out of whack, your words never seem to fail you. "That your," you suppress the urge to vomit everywhere from the onslaught of nausea, "Commander's a bad lay?"

The man's – a Shadow's – boot presses further against your skull, and you can't stop the pained groan that falls from your bloodied lips. When you cough, you can hear the red liquid splatter across the floor. He laughs, coldly, unamused.

"No. That you're a filthy whore who slept her way to the top," he seethes, and your chest heaves with every intake of breath.

"Real. Fucking. Original," you manage to grit out, through every flash of pain in your head. Your stubbornness was going to get you killed. Right now, even, maybe.

...Hopefully not.

Struggling to open one eye, you manage to allow yourself a small sliver of vision. You know where your small, hand-held pistol sits, hidden beneath your vest. If you can distract him well enough, all you'd need is one shot.

He grinds the heel of his boot into the nape of your neck, and you find yourself hacking up even more blood. Not a good sign.

"How does a combat medic even make it to Colonel?" He continues, sneering, ignoring your grunts of pain and frequent squirming. "Was your pussy that good?"

"Jealous, Corporal? Wanted his small prick up your ass instead?" You goad, every word a struggle to get out, but worth it nonetheless. He doubles down, looking up to the roof to calm himself down with shaky breaths.

The short, two second window allows for you to slip a trembling hand into your vest, grab a hold of the small pistol, raise it, and pull the trigger.

Your eyes flutter shut once more as the revolting feeling of a corpse on top of you has you freezing up. You can't even check for more threats, not with every nerve ending in your body feeling as though they've been frayed, the truest form of torture you've ever experienced.

It's then that you fall into a state of limbo. A grey area, an unknown, a state of something that can only be described as a loss of self. The crash you'd been anticipating. A pain-induced one, maybe?

"Love! Love, shit, fuck, hey, hold on!"

In the floaty, intangible abyss you find yourself floating in, you're unsure if the words are even spoken in reality. If they're just a figment of your imagination, a taunt, a way for the gods to mock you before you fall into their clutches.

𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥 / call of duty x readerWhere stories live. Discover now