"Sweetest Heart" Amao Odayaka x Fem.Reader [Part 2]

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"Different "

It's now have been nearly a week since Y/n's lack of absence. Everyone who is friends with Amao seems to not able to lift him up from his sadness that been on his mind even his crush, Taeko.

Slumped in his desk feeling tired and sad as his once soft and neat chestnut brown hair become disheveled and slightly messy, dark circles under his eyebags signing the lack of sleep he get, skin slightly pales as if he didn't eat for days.

In the past, he was planning to confess his feelings to Taeko Yamada on Friday after school. But when the incident that happens with you, he just couldn't and doesn't even want to see his old crush as his mind is wandering around listening to his negatives mind blaming him and telling him the worse thing.

When he knew what happen to Y/n, after school he made her favourite lunch meal then went to checked on his beloved friend, Y/n. But suddenly in the back of his mind is telling him the worst scenarios and reactions of her when he meet her.

Why wouldn't she? He's been neglecting his friends just to be blinded by a girl he just knew. He knew that the other cooking ckub member saw him with Taeko just making a small desserts then eating it than doing what he told the others about his parents sudden business orders. And on top of that he heard a rumor about him just giving the person who always on his side, Y/n a drugged cake that could've been a poison that could kill anyone who eats it instantly.

Now he can't help but being slumped on his desk regretting to not go after Y/n, when he knew he could've just save her from having a food poisoning.

Not noticing a certain girl sitting beside him. Amao kept slumped on his desk avoiding the worried and concerned looks that he gets because of his new brand look and behavior.

The once bright and kind boy who likes to gives out sweet dessert to everyone as he always being a ray of sunshine suddenly become a gloomy and sad boy who always slumped on his desk avoiding everyone he sees.

He kept hearing the only person who's been on his mind ever since he comes to school today and he did saw her trying to stop him from avoiding her but his negatives mind only brushed it off with the hallucinations he think he's getting for the lack of sleep and food.

It's now lunch time, everyone is currently outside of the class with their friends eating food either in the cafeteria, main plaza, the near bench around the school or the rooftop except for him at least who seems to be not in the mood for food when he clearly needs it but would rather to starve himself and die in a dark hole.


"Hey..! How long are you going to avoid me for?? Come on! I told you already that i forgive you plus it's not your fault so stop being stubborn and forgive yourself!" Y/n said as she pouts clinging the sad boy.

"Ahh.. It's you again.. i guess i did deserve it to be haunted by you..i'm..so sorry.." Amao glances at Y/n but then goes back to slumped on the desk mumbles quietly.

"Come on!! Stop treating me like i'm dead! I'm still alive for God's sake! Get your stupid negatives mind out already! You're going to make me cry!!" Y/n wailed as she starts to hit Amao repeatedly.

"Ow! Ow! Are you a poltergeist!? I- please stop! Ow! I'm sorry! Okay! Ow- alright alright! I believe you now! I'm sorry! Please stop hitting me!" Amao starts to tried defending himself from getting hit more by Y/n.

"Hmph! Finally you're back to your senses! You know you could've just told me that smacking you would do the work getting your stupid mind off the dark hole." Y/n angrily said as her pout lessens.

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