"A Strange Cat" Neko!Ayato Aishi x Fem.Reader [Hybrid AU]

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[Your POV]

"Alright i'm going home now."  I said walked towards the front door of the diner, noticing my manager, Mrs. Ririe as she cleaning up the tables. "See you tomorrow, Mrs. Ririe!"

"Ah, Y/n! See you tomorrow! Be careful on your way home, hun!" I heard Mrs. Ririe replied as i exit the diner. "I will!"

As i just entered my car it's started raining heavily.

"Oh, that's explain why it's so cold all of the sudden." I sighs as i turn on the heater before driving back home.

'Hm.. should i stopped by the grocery store? Probably.' I turns the car to the nearest grocery store i see and went in quickly to buy some food and snacks.


"Okay.. it's really isn't a good idea to run in the store in the middle of a storm. Well, it seems it's time for me to go home like as soon as possible." I was slightly drenched but at least i got the things i need for my movie night.

It's wasn't really that long for me to finally arrived at the comfort of my home.

I parked up my car in front the garage before getting all my groceries and my things with me as i get out of the car.

I walked up towards my front door only to see a wet stray cat inside a tethered box at my doorstep.

As i walked closer to look more clearly, the cat jumped and started hissing daring me to step any closer.

"Hey, i know your probably scared at me but i need to go in." I said as i picked up the box and unlocking the door before went inside with the box that still had the black cat that still hissing at me.

'Thank god, this cat only hissing and not scratching me yet..' I quickly closed the door locking it before placing the box down on top of the wooden coffee table so the cat can get the warmth from the fireplace in front of it.

"You stay here, okay? I'm going to take a quick warm bath before i run one for you. I'll be back in a flash." I then quickly placed the groceries at the dinner table before taking a warm bath so the chances i'm getting sick won't be high.


After i'm done with my bath and already in a warm clothes. I went to the bathroom again to run a warm bath for the cat.

"I know it's going to be a hassle giving that cat the bath and he's probably going to try and scratch me... I'll just use the baking gloves to protect my hands." I stopped the water tap as i'm sure that the water is warm and not too shallow for the cat.

"Now! All i need is the gloves and the cat. So let's go and.. oh my god! Geez.." as i turned around to get the cat but all i see is a tall slender man with black hair and dark grey eyes were looming over me. "W-who are you!? And what are you doing in my house?! Oh..god. please don't tell me you were inside the car all the time and i didn't noticed you."

The back haired man just blinks before his eyes staring at the bathtub then back at me as he narrows his eyes.

"Didn't you say you're going to give me a warm bath too?" The man finally spoke, his voice is deep and somewhat somber.

"Wait, hold up! Are you...the cat from earlier?" I asked curiously as i just noticed he has a cat ears and a tail.

"Yes. My name is Ayato Aishi. My mother were taken away because she got exposed threatening my father to be with her. I don't really know much about my father but he's probably also taken away.. i don't really have anywhere to go." The black haired man who apparently is the cat that i just let in from outside of my doorstep who turns out to be Ayato Aishi explains nonchalantly, his ears and tail dropping down.

"But i have you now! You won't leave me like them... right!?" Ayato suddenly perked up as well as his ears and tail before his expression turns into a menacing one. "...right?"

Since i don't want to die yet and i'm somehow wants to take care of this humanoid furball... "Of course, i won't!"

"Really?! D-did you mean it? You're not lying... aren't you?" Ayato asks once again with his menacing stares. "No, I'm not.."

As i see his excitement when i said that i stopped him before he can hugged me making him looked betrayed. "W-why did you pushed me away? I-"

"Your still wet.. take a bath, will you?"




[Fast forward... Many years later]
"And that's how i met your dad." I finished telling my 5-year old twins as they were fast asleep huddled nicely in their blankets.

"Well, that is fast." I said before yawning and feeling a pair of hands snakes it's way on my waist.

"Are they asleep yet?" Ayato mumbles as he rest his head on my shoulder half asleep. "Yep, come on. Let's go to bed before we collapsed and waking them up again."

Ayato reluctantly let go as his ears and tail dropping down either from tiredness and loneliness, i'm not sure.

I pecked a gentle kiss on Ayaka's and Ayuko's forehead. "Good night and have a beautiful dream, my little stars." I held Ayato's hand exiting their room and closing the door quietly.

Entering our room before closing it, we finally plopped ourselves down on the bed.

I hugged Ayato as he hugged back tightly while bringing us more closer to eachother.

I kissed his lips before doing the same to his forehead as he finally fell asleep with a soft smile.

"Good Night and have a beautiful dream, love." I sleepily said as my eyes starts to become drowsy. "I love you."

A/n : I was rushing this one so i hope it's still good! Don't worry, the next one won't be this short.. hopefully :')

Thank you for reading! I hope you like it! Consider to follow, vote and comment as it will help me so much in this journey!

Don't forget to stay hydrated, eat well and sleep well because if you don't you'll get sick and everyone doesn't like being sick so take care! I'll see you in the next chapter!✨

Yandere Simulator Oneshots x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now