"Rivals To Lovers" Megamo Saikou X Fem.Reader

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[3rd POV]

You don't mind about anyone being an ambitious and stoic students like the council students.

Matter of fact you are a member from the student council and you get along pretty well with the others member of the club and the others student also of course the teachers, you can even say everyone in the school at this point.

But what always irks you is the leader of the student council club, Megamo Saikou.

You always hated how stuck up Megamo is and how he always sees everyone around him as if they're beneath him just because of his family's reputation being one of the powerful family in the japan.

He might not show it openly but you already know what he's like beneath that "stoic and gentlemanly" act he always wears.

The weird thing is many girl from the higher ups company still head over heels for a cold man like him that probably won't even care for them even in the slightest.

Though you hating him probably and mostly because you both are the soon to be successor of your family business that unfortunately decided to become one big company since your family is the one who managed to be in the same level with the Saikou Family.

You always tried to reason your way out of the merger plan with your parents but it's always ended up to be a fruitless effort even with the help of your secret allies at the academy high.

Whenever you and your buddies tried to do something in order to sabotage Megamo's Family's reputation, they always somehow managed to cover it and fixed it back up.

Megamo somehow even managed to know that the one who's been messing with his family is you. Making you to put a stop at sabotaging him before your secret alliance is being held captive as a warning message even if you know they could fight.

In the end, you only can glare at Megamo and curses his family for even existing until you graduated and went for college.




Unsurprisingly you both met again at the most prestigious college in japan, definitely not because the both of yours and Megamo's parents were really that eager for you both to be together already. The most annoying thing is you both got the same dorm together even if it's the most luxurious hence the both of your reputation it's still is annoying for you.

But luckily you managed to get your old allies buddies who now officially worked in your family's business while going to college before entering the real world with you as a payment for helping you with your cheeky plan against the Saikou Family and so you won't go insane being with the guy you hated in your entire life.





"Well~ well~ well~ Looks like someone is having too much fun last night~ did he kept you awake till morning?" A familiar voice said teasingly as you heard three pairs of footsteps walking towards you.

"Guess he can't wait any longer before the honeymoon, huh?" You groans as you kept your head buried in your folded arms on top of the wooden table as you heard the trio sat at the bench near you.

"Can you just shut up? You're not helping." You said grumpily as it slightly muffled before you heard something placed near you, it was sounded like a drink making you peaked out of your shell.

"(f/d)!" You cheerfully exclaimed as you saw your favorite drink, stabbing the straw into the plastic cup before drinking it. "Ah... that's nice. I'm okay, for now. Thanks, info."

Yandere Simulator Oneshots x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now