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                       Shit I can't go home. I walk to the park and walk on the bench where nobody can see me. How can I let this happen to me I have been so reserve all my life. Oh god how could you let this happen to me. My phone vibrates and s message appear on the screen from an unknown number. "You should kill yourself dirty whore, you're the reason men doesn't have any respect for women." Am going to vomit I can't take this anymore. 

                          Now random people are texting me to humiliate me when they don't know the full story. My phone vibrates again and more nasty messages appear on my screen from random numbers. I lay down on the bench and close my eyes. "Yo Jane." I see Izzy walking towards me; she is the only person I got at this moment. Hey Izzy. "Gosh girl what happen your face is all swollen, and I heard you left storm out of school. Oh Izzy I can't do this anymore, everybody in school have seen the video and they are disrespecting me and taunting me. "Girl just give it some times they will get over it and move on, and everything will be ok. My phone vibrates again and I look at it and give it to Izzy, she reads it. "Don't bother to show your face to school anymore slut. I burry my head into her shoulder; every message is like a knife through my heart. 

                          I can't believe she has stayed with me in the park the whole seven hours of school. We get up and walk to her house. Izzy open the door and let me in. I sit on the beautiful multicolor sofa. Izzy's older brother walked in the living room and jump. "What the fuck are you doing here? Izzy get in here fast." Why is he acting like this towards me? "I thought I told you to stay away from this whore before she ruins your reputation. I can't be having people calling my little sister a slut that can't also ruin the reputation of this family. Hey don't you have some crew you have to go do? How can you even show your face in public like everything is ok? Stay away from my sister or I will make you." I can't move , how can he just judge me like that, I have been friend with Izzy since I was three, and I have been to this house almost every day, now he is acting like he doesn't know me. 

                                       Izzy is standing there frozen with nothing to say, she is as shock as I am. I get up and walk towards the door. Izzy hold my hand "I am so sorry j he is just being protective." I pull my hand and leave the house. I can't believe I am losing everything. I open the door. "Honey you look horrible. How was your day?" I don't want to talk mom I just want to go to sleep. 

                            "No you're not going anywhere. Lately you have been acting really weird, all you do is sleep, and I don't think I even remember the last time that you smile. Talk to me sweetheart, what is going on? Nothing mother I just haven't been feeling very good. I turn and walk to my room. I wish I could talk to my mother, but if I tell her the truth she will never treat me the same. I lie on the bed, and decide to call Izzy. "Hey Jane, how are you doing? I am so sorry about today." It's ok Izzy, I understand. I can't live like this Izzy, I want to find Braxton's house and tell his parents. "Are you crazy?" Yes can you please come over? I really need your help with this. "Ok Jane I'll be there in thirty minutes."I hear the doorbell.

                               "Jane sweetheart Isabell is here." That was a quick thirty minutes "Hey J." Izzy come in. "so what's up?" Take my computer. I was thinking, everybody got a Facebook, and at the moment him and his friends were using me, he said a couple of their names, and I remember some. "So, what does that mean?" that means that I can type the names on Facebook, and blackmail some of them. "I am pretty sure that is not going to work." Can you just type? Kaycee boii is the name. "There I found him. Is this his picture? Yes that's him. 

                                          Now tell him I have told my mother about what happen and she is ready to press charges, and will take the case to court. "Girl he will not fall or that." Trust me those boys hate anything that have to do with the police, trust me he will not take the chance. The computer makes a sound "what the hell do you want?" I told you Izzy he will not take the chance. "He still didn't say that he was going to tell you anything." Just ask him where he lives. "He says why the hell he would tell you where his friend lives." Tell him I just want to talk to Braxton. "Omg, here's the address." Great get ready we are going to his house. "Fine." I put an Obey shirt and hat, and black leggings on, put some make up on and take my purse. 

                        Let's go Izzy. Mom I'm leaving I will be back before eight o'clock. We reach the house. I feel so many butterflies in my stomach, why am I so scared? I am shaking like a leaf. "Are you cold J? Because you are shaking." I am fine, I am just scared. I ring the bell. A beautiful tall woman with beautiful hair appears and opens the door.

                               Hello can I help you? Hi my name is Jane, and this is my friend Isabel, we are friends of Braxton, and I have something to tell his parents. "Come in. I am Ms. Braxton his mother." We enter the house, it looks so nice, there is a beautiful TV, beautiful furniture; they look quite wealthy. I know Izzy is thinking the exact same thing, because I can tell by the look in her face. "Please take a sit." We sit down.

                                      "So what exactly do you want to tell me?" A man that looks exactly like Braxton walk into the living room where we were sitting. "Come here dear these girls say they have something to tell us." The man sits next to the lady, can really tell them what their son has done to me? Well I have to; I am not going through this alone. "So girls start talking." Izzy holds my hand. I met Braxton a couple weeks ago, and he made me trust him. He picked me up from school one day and brought me to this abandoned place, where him and his friends forced me into having sex with them. "Please tell me you're lying my son would never do anything like that." I have a video Mrs. Braxton.

                                I take my phone and play the video, and hand it to her. I feel so terrible; she looks like she was going to have a heart attack. No please tell me no, my son could never do this. Brat Please tell me what I am seeing is not true." Ever since that day, my life has turned upside down, I thought I should tell someone about it." I am so sorry honey. But when this thing happened did he use protection?" No, I don't think so. "Brat how can our son do this?" tear starts to fall from her eyes. Is there something wrong? "Are you sure he didn't use protection?" Yes I am sure please why? Honey Braxton has aids for about three years now.   

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