Act Twelve: Belief

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A cup of tea sat in my trembling hands. It was warm and soothing after my journey outside, but I couldn't stop shaking. I had never been so afraid before, why did I agree to follow him back here?
The mortician was pacing in front of the counter and I couldn't take my eyes off him for even a moment. What would happen if I left my guard down? Would he really hurt me if I did?
The tea shook in the cup, threatening to spill over. I didn't have the appetite for it at all, in fact I felt quite ill.
A drink made by his hands - The same hands that held that weapon.
The self-proclaimed "reaper" moved like a shadow in his dark robes. To the left, stopping, turning, and back to the right, only to repeat, he looked equally as uncomfortable as I felt all while rubbing his chin as he thought.

I wasn't sure how long it had been before he finally stopped and turned my way. The sudden movement caused a flinch, for which I finally spilled some tea on the counter and put the cup down quickly. As warm as it was, I was too on edge at this rate.
"Little canary, I said this already, I didn't kill her. That poor mistress was already dead."
Yeah right, as if I would believe that. Why stab an already dead person?
When I didn't reply, The Undertaker sighed, clearly disclosing his own annoyance,
"It was simply a soul collection. I admit I was rather sloppy this time, but it has been so long, and I needed to be quick before someone else snatched her right up~"
What the bloody hell was he talking about? I had so many questions and not the foggiest clue where to even start with... Well, any of that. Reapers? Soul collection? What did he mean by snatching her up?
I blinked once, then twice, finally standing up from the chair,
"This sounds... Completely insane."
Forget it, forget all of this. This was my breaking point. I didn't know I had one, but here it was. I couldn't be mad, or sad, or even scared. I was simply done. I was going back to the manor.

The man ceased his pacing to approach the counter and face me directly. Long silver tendrils of his hair fell over his shoulders, the lockets he draped across his chest jingling with the movement,
"Allow me to explain it slowly then," The Undertaker spoke with sincerity in his tone, "I overheard your conversation in the shop not too long ago, you see? The presence of another reaper told me something would happen around that area before long, so I went to scout it out. I'm not working with the association any longer,"
It nearly sounded like he bit his tongue as he spoke and allowed his long nails to dig into the counter. I couldn't help feeling on edge, ready to run if I thought he would get any closer. I wanted to believe him, but it all sounded insane!
Was he telling me that reapers not only existed, but that he and Grelle were both... It sounded straight out of a fairytale book.
I wanted to speak, but my words caught in my throat. With my silence, he continued,
"That means I don't have the files the active reapers use to convey where the next death will be~ It was quite a gamble the death in the area would be related to the murders."

"You don't truthfully expect me to believe any of this?"
I've heard nothing but ramblings and defenses that sounded otherworldly, but I know what the hell I saw!
I noticed the man tense up with irritation, but finally pulled himself back up,
"Ah... You're right, it would be silly for me to expect you would accept and believe everything I'm saying right away. For a human, it probably looked dreadful. Let me show you then."

As if anything would make me-
As the scythe was swiftly picked up, I almost fell back in the stool trying to scramble to my feet. That was the weapon that plunged into her heart, what was he doing?!
On instinct, I shut my eyes tightly, ready for my death. Was this how I went out then? With The Undertaker blocking the door, even if I tried to run farther back into the shop, I would be cornered in a matter of moments.
So be it, if I die, I'd rather die with honor than try to run like a coward!
Yet I trembled, shivering with the very fear I tried to destroy.

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