A dark room

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Trigger warning: sexual abuse and self harm

A/n pov:

Y/n pulls herself together and begins to tell jimin something that not even her bestie knows.

Y/n: on the 7 of February, it was just 2 days after my birthday, my dad came home from work at 1am, I was still awake cause I couldn't sleep so I want to scare him, I hid behind the door and I scared him btu the reaction form him was far from my expectations, he slapped me hard on the face and I fell to the ground, then he realised that it was me who he slapped b-but he didn't give a shit about it.

Y/ns eyes started to tear up up just at the thought of the dark and cold memory

Y/n continues: he slapped me so hard that my cheek was swollen p, but he just laughed and walked away like nothing happened. I went to sleep crying that night. But he woke me up my again slapping me hard on the face, he started hitting me with a broom, I only 6 years old at the time I didn't know what to do my mum was just standing there in fear, he kept hitting and kicking me till I passed out. I woke up in the morning and saw ran to the kitchen when I saw my mum, I tried to hug her but she told me to keep a distance I just went back to my room and sat there, my dad wasn't home I was relieved, but then my mum left the house.
Y/n started crying again
Jimin quickly hugged

"you don't have to keep talking about it it's ok" he said while rubbing her back

Y/n: I went to my mums room and say that she h-had ta-taken everything with her *starts crying and shaking*

All jimin could do was sit there hugging her

Y/n: I didn't know what to do so I just sat in my room not eating anything, my dad came home 2 hours after Sony mum left and took all his anger out on me, at leats 3 times a week he would beat me up till I was unconscious, he had locked everything I couldn't escape the house.

Y/n calm down and starts to explain the rest with a blank expression on her face

Y/n: for years on years whe kelts doing this, when I was 10 I found out that he was 3rd biggest mafia in the world

Jimin pov:
She was explaining everything I even started crying with her but she didn't notice. But when I heard abt her dad being the 3rd biggest Mafia in the world I knew who her dad was, and my blood started boiling in anger

A/n pov:

Y/n continues: I didn't care much abt that cause it's not like I was able to do anything. I was homeschooled and never left the house

Y/n: 2 days after I turned 13 my life became worse then hell, it was 7 of February and my dad came in my room at midnight a-and

Y/n: I don't remember this part very clearly but I still remember what happened

Y/n: he r-ra-r*ped me

Y/n: on the days I wouldn't pass out to his beatings he would r*pe me, but making sure not to kill me

Y/n: When I turned 20 my mum came back like nothing happened, and my dad started treating me like nothing happened also, I didn't have a phone up until then, I did go to university but my dad had control of everything.

Y/n: at that time I thought all men were the same but that's when my bestie from college introduced me to Bts, I found a light of hope and I realised there are people who are nice. I got over my fear pretty quickly after getting to know bts. And now here I am leading a successful life but still living with my stupid parents

Y/ns face pale, her nose was red and her eyes were puffy
Jimin was sitting next to her but them suddenly hugged her

Y/n: j-ji-Jimin? A-are you ok?

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