A weird feeling

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A/n pov:

Jimin raising one eyebrow up stands and walks right up to Mr Mins frozen figure and says in a dangerously quiet voice while sending daggers to him through his eyes "who is that?"

Mr Min regains his posture and confidence and replies "it's just some girl"

He continues "why would you care your the one who use—"

Mr Min was cut of by jimin grabbing him by the neck and chocking while whispering in his ear " listen here you son of a bitch let that girl go or I will find her myself"

Jimin still had a tight hold on his neck, Mr Min tried to say something but failed because his breath was baking cut of, jimin smirks and says "Sir speak a bit louder I can't hear you?!" Jimin releases Mr Mins neck and Mrs Min collapses to the floor, trying to gather his breath back, and finally continues "y-yes sir I w-will release h-her."

Jimin goes back and takes a seat on the couch and  says in a cold and harsh tone "now tell me... why did u come here?"

Mrs Min replies in a timid voice "t-to talk bu-business"

Jimin stares at him and grits his teeth and continues in a low voice "don't fucing stutter"

Mr Min replies straight away "sorry Mr park"

Jimin stands up and started walking to the entrance when Mr Min says something

Mr Min: We still haven't talked about the business project yet, why are you already leaving?

Jimin replies to him without looking back once "because I'm not in the mood"

Mr Min: *scoffs* rude asshole

Jimin inner beast was already triggered dry this man up but what he said just made it worse, he pulls out his gun and shoots the floor of Mr Mins mansion at the speed of light

Jimin stares at Mr Min sending him dangerous vibes and says in a cold tone  "say that again, I dare you"

Mr Min was taken aback by him sudden behaviour but doesn't flinch cause he's a mafia, but yet he still felt very uncomfortable by his actions yet still manages to reply quickly "sorry it was my mistake I won't say it again" he says while bowing 90°.

Jimin finally left the house, but he felt that something was off abt visiting this time

Jimin pov:

That fucing bastard

After I left the house I felt something was off, ass if I left something there that I shouldn't had, i shrugged it off and went back home.

A/n pov:

Y/ns "room"

Y/n quickly got up when she heard a familiar voice outside

Y/n: j-Jimin, I-it's Jimin, pls p-pl come and find me *sobs*

Y/n: help! is anyone there?!

Y/n puts her ear to the door and hears nothing but silence, so she thought she would finally be free

*Time skip to when Jimin shoots the gun*

Y/n suddenly heard a gun shooting and hugest startled, her eyes started to form tears and her heart started beating faster and faster as she thought that Jimin was hit by the bullet but, relaxed when she heard his voice shouting.

But when she heard the door close her eyes held fear and she started to cry again realising that she will be dead, when her dad comes in this room after what she dad done, she had accepted her fate and accepted that she was gonna die tonight.

*10 mins later*

Y/n could hear footsteps coming closer and close to the room she was lovpcked in, just then the room lights turned red and hashed started trembling in fear, and scrambled to the corner of the room, and is on her knees cause her feet were cold

Y/d enters the room and says in a dark and mysterious voice "missed me baby girl?" He chuckles darkly, and moves closer to y/n.

Terrified y/n mange's to say something " a-appa, w-where is j-Jimin"

Y/d grabs y/ns hair harshly and says in a deep dark voice "baby girl, it's daddy for you and Jimin that bastard left ignoring you cries"

Y/n stays silent when y/d says something very disturbing "already on your knees for daddy huh?!", y/n quickly gets off her knees and replies "s-sor-sorry."

Y/d started caressing her body and says "get ready for a long night"
Y/n starts crying uncontrollably and gets a hard slap to her face. Y/d says "don't cry baby or I might take pity on you and leave you be for today, but then you'll be in a treat for tomorrow," even after his statement y/n was unable to control herself and continue ps to cry.

Y/d rips her clothes off leaving her in her under garments and says " but sad,y I'm not in the mood today to let you go"

*time skip morning*

*Jimins place*

A/n Jimin woke up at midday unable to remember what happened last night as he was completely drunk after coming back to his apartment.

Jimin had taken a leave from his job at the convenience store because he couldn't handle it and decided to take some off time.

Jimin pov:

Jimin: ughhh it's already morninggg *annoyed voice*

Jimin: whyyy

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine, but after getting ready I felt lazy so decided to work from home today

Jimin: I have a lot of work to do, so let's get started

Just then the doorbell rang and I went to check who it was

???: Jimin-ah! Let me in so I can sleep

It's was none other that Min Yoongi

Jimin: Hyunggg, what you doing here?

Yoongi: let me in kid, I want to sleep my parents and wife are making a ruckus today

Jimin: come in then

We continued talking whole walking into the room

Jimin: shouldn't you be there with them is their "fighting"

Yoongi: if I'm there they gonna drag me into it and also if I'm there I'm gonna blurt something wrong out which then leads to my dead

Jimin: hm you got a point

Yoongi: go do your work a let me sleep now

Jimin: I don't wanna do work anymore I'll just sleep her too

Yoongi: ok, just don't you dare hug me

*Went got sleep*

Yoongi pov:

I woke up and hour later cause Jimin kept mumbling something next to me, I looks at him  and saw sweat dripping down his face and his whole, don't was shacking, I went closer to him and tried to under stand what he was saying

Jimin: ha-hajima....w-why.....SHES YOUR DAUGHTER

Just then Jimin jumped up cause it me to flinch badly, but then I looked at his face, I never thought a Mafia King could look like that, he looked like a lost 4 year old child looking for his mother that left him alone in the park, but her also looks like he was very love sick, love sick to the point where he could kill himself.

Yoongi: Jimin?! You ok?!

Jimin: h-hyung

He turned to me and looked at me I looked into his teary eyes and say nothing but pain, regret and the desire for revenge.

I patted his shoulder trying to comfort him while saying " what,.....what is it who is it? What happened tell me?

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