Seventeen: Day In The Life.

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Slipping from under Cimani's hold I couldn't help but to frown. It was 4:00 a.m and I had to get headed to one of the motel's because some shit had popped of between one of the jabs and a worker. I looked down at her as she stirred in her sleep. I wanted nothing more but to lay with her but I was here on business.

Although she kept me distracted for a few days, I knew Flocko and Nipsey were probably tired of holding shit down for me while I was too busy with Cimani. I just wanted to show her I was serious about being with her and that nothing could get in the way of that.

I slipped on my all black Givenchy hoodie, then a pair of Nike Air Force ones. As I grabbed my Glock off of the dresser I heard shuffling. Turning around, I watched as Cimani rubbed her eyes, sitting up. She turned on the lamp that was next to the bed as she let out a yawn.

Once her eyes landed on me, she tilted her head to the side a little, something she did often when she was confused or had a question. I found it to be the cutest shit ever. "Where you going?"

I made my way over to her, stuffing my phone in my pocket as I leaned down to kiss her lips. "I got business to handle. I'll be back in a few."

She glanced over at the alarm clock that was on the night stand. "At 4 in the morning?"

I sucked my teeth as I made my way towards the door. "Ci, you know what I do. I ain't punching no clock, business for me could be from 4 Ina' morning to 4 Ina afternoon. Aight?"

She let out a sigh as she cuddled back up under the covers. She turned her back to me as she laid down. "I know just, be safe." She mumbled as she closed her eyes.

I made my way back over to the bed, leaning down so I could place a kiss on the side of her face, and forehead. "Always. I'll be back before you wake back up. Aight?"

She simply nodded as she kept her eyes shut. I knew she worried for my safety, shit I worried for hers too. I just didn't want her to be mad at me every time duty called. At the end of the day, my occupation is what helped me take care of her. I loved showering her with gifts and being there for her financially because as a man, that was my job.

I threw my hoodie over my head as I made my way down the two flights of stairs. Once I made it to the bottom I spotted Flocko and Nipsey standing by the door as they smoked a blunt. Both of their heads turned in my direction as I descended down the stairs.

"You feel like working today boss man?" Flocko joked. I let out a fake laugh as I walked directly past them and made my way outside. I still wasn't feeling his energy but at the end of the day he was family, I just wanted him to stay far away from my bitch.

"I do actually. I ain't wanna have yall doing all the hard work. Let's get this show Ona' road." I said as I jumped in the drivers seat. Nipsey hopped in the passenger as Flocko sat in the back.

Nipsey was quiet, which was usual for him. Anything past 12 a.m for him was considered quiet hours, for him he didn't like any conversation or loud noise past 12 a.m. I honestly thought he was just a dick head for that, but he was on some whole spiritual shit. He didn't even like to leave the house after 12, he always preached about how once you're settled inside your home, you should never leave back out. Ever.

"You aight bro?"

Nipsey shook his head yes, "I'm good bro. Prayed to allah before we left, let's just try to be in and out."

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