Twenty: In Love We Trust.

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"How did that make you feel?" Dr

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"How did that make you feel?" Dr. Sanchez asked as her eyes scanned Ezriah's face for any type of emotion. Usually during their sessions he had a smile on his face, if not then his usual mug but today something was different. His expression was flat and his eyes were blood shot red, she knew he had to be under the influence of some type of drug.

Normally he came in smelling like marijuana, which she didn't mind because she knew it helped some of her patients but, she knew something was off. She knew he was high off of something else also.

Her intuition was on point because Ezriah had popped two Perc 10's before his session today. He had slowed down taking them once things with him and Cimani got serious, but as soon as they didn't speak for a week he started to take them again.

He licked over his lips as he sat back on the couch that was in Dr. Sanchez' office. "Like shit. Her not responding to me and giving me the cold shoulder makes me feel like shit."

Dr. Sanchez nodded as she wrote down something on her notepad. "Which means she made you feel bad about yourself, correct?"

Ezriah nodded. "Yeah. I know I'm wrong and I could admit that but I just wished she'd hear me out."

Instead of coming to see his therapist every Thursday, Ezriah now went twice a week on Saturday's also. He felt as if he needed somebody to talk to even more now that him and Cimani weren't speaking.

"Can I ask you something Ezriah?" Dr. Sanchez asked as she sat her notebook down.

Ezriah shrugged his shoulders. "Does Cimani not speaking to you make you want to do drugs?"

Caught off guard by her question, Ezriah shifted in his seat as he already knew the answer. "Yes." He responded dryly. "It's like, when I'm around her she gives me a high, so when I'm not around her I pop pills. They give me close to the same feeling.." he drifted off as he stared up at the ceiling.

He hated how that sounded out loud, he thought he sounded pathetic. "She doesn't give you a high Ezriah, she shows you love. You feel loved when you're around her and that's a good thing. You both pour love into each other and that's beautiful."

"So what you think I should do to get her back Doc?"

Dr. Sanchez let out a laugh as she cut her eyes at Ezriah. "I'm here to help you express your feelings and help you overcome emotional trauma. I can't help you with that." She frowned. "But, what I can say is women like effort. Buying her things is nice but it's your actions that she wants to see improve. Just show her that you care, do something thoughtful. And don't forget to be completely honest with her Ezriah."

Ezriah took her words into consideration as he thought about how he wanted to approach Cimani. He called her a few times and got nothing but her voicemail, he didn't want to be too over bearing and blow her phone up because he knew she needed space. He was missing her though, bad.

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