Chapter 1

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"Say it again," not commanding, but almost begging, you prop yourself up on your elbows. Your eyes were directed to a woman who was seemingly naked under the sheets with you. There was warmth in your chest, somehow. A sense of comfort and safety despite the fact that you were always terrified of intimacy.

You hear her respond in a voice so taunt and firm. Confident, like no other. As though she was certain of it all. Of you. Perhaps that explains the emotions swirling through your veins.

"I love you."

Your eyebrows furrowed, and you swore your heart melted at the sound of it. Music to your ears. You lean in closer, and a sight of red hair comes into your view. Curly and everywhere. Chaos in the middle of a calm sea. You found yourself giggling as her hand ran up your side and cradled your right cheek. Her hand was so soft and familiar, and you kissed it. Then her. The redhead's lips parted, and you surprised yourself at just how much you felt used to it. Like a routine you'd done a hundred times. Maybe too many hundreds of times.

"Again," you whispered between exchanges of kisses and smiles. "Please."

"I love you."


"I love you."

"Say it again, Le—"

"[Y/N]!" you jolt awake, sitting upright as you blink your eyes open. What the hell was that dream? You pondered with effort, trying to remember the feel of the woman's lips and the sound of her voice. Your heart pounded hard against your ribs, and you brushed it off as your housemate called for you once again. This wasn't the first time you'd dreamed of a woman with wild red hair and a voice so soothing it haunts you even during the day when you're awake. But it certainly was the first time you let it get to you.

It wasn't every day you dream of someone telling you she loves you repeatedly like a ritual, like a god she worshipped. A sane person would dwell on a lost love like that. Or so you'd like to defend, trying to excuse the irrationality of it all.

Who was she?

"Look," your housemate appeared on the doorframe, hand on her hip as she leaned and looked at you with this all too well expression. "I'm all for girls' girl shit. I'd like to think of myself as one. But I swear I'm leaving your ass without a ride today if you're not ready in 10."

You pursed your lips, "Girls' girl?"

"You know!" she frustratingly waves her hands in the air, and then at you. A way to tell you she was serious and that you have to be fast. That was going to be hard considering the dream you had boggled your every little move.

Pauline Mae had looked at you scarily enough to snap you out of it, though. The girl, whose blonde hair was straightened to perfection just below her shoulders, had been your housemate for the past 5 years. She had put up an ad that said, 'looking for a housemate! preferably in the same school as me and is lesbian/bi woman bcs i am NOT about to deal with straight women sobbing to me about their men AND men's bullshit. contact me if you pass the criteria.' And of course, you had looked passed it. You wanted a roommate or a housemate that was mature and mind-driven, and her ad just did not give off that kind of thing. You eventually changed your mind when you sat beside her on your first day of class and revealed that you were on a room hunt. She had the brightest smile you've ever seen on a human, and you couldn't rain down on her parade.

With that out there, you'd have to stress that you and Pauline were strictly just acquaintances. Or something between acquaintances and friends. You'd dropped out of the Art class she was in with you when you concluded that it was a waste of time. So, really, apart from being a housemate, she was just one of the people you knew in the city. She drives you to school, though. One of the perks of living with her, apparently. 

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